6:21 pm
6 letter word for 27 points. anyone want to share their score?
6:55 pm
I found a 5 letter word for 30 points.
Has anyone been able to use the W?
7:03 pm
you mean a 6 letter word for 30? I don't think a 5 letter word for 30 is possible on this board.
Anyone else get an 8 letter word?
7:06 pm
Your right. my bad.
an 8 letter word on this board?
you rock
7:26 pm
yeah i got that 8, and there are a few 6 letter 30 pointers
one i found isn't even a word in dictionary.com so i dont' know how the hell that works, but i got it by adding an -ic to the end of a word
8:34 pm
54 and 525/ crnkygrrl...whatchagot?