8:10 am
My apologies and congratulations to "coach", perhaps the true "BRAIN" champion of yesterday. I was most decidedly using steroidal supplements.
10:59 am
sexkitten, I noticed you didn't even play the last couple of days, so what did it matter to you how people ranked? Or is it because Barbie wasn't first. What's the big deal????
11:12 am
The point is that when we play babble we test ourselves against others and our ranking should reflect how well we compete. It defeats the purpose of the game if there are players who are using solvers because they feel desperate to rank highly.
Why bother playing if you won't follow the (unwritten) rules. It spoils the competition for other players, myself included.
I haven't participated in some time due to the blatant cheating of those like yourself (Cathycal). It is not a judgement of you, simply an observation that you use more resources than others. That you should feel anger because someone dares to point this out to you is risible.
11:49 am
this is a hard one
35 - 374
12:05 pm
Risible. I'll have to look that up.
12:19 pm
Excellent word. thanks elhombre
4:25 pm
"practice" - i notice you're using a dictionary (gasp!) to look up elhombre's word. burn it! :-)
(i hope we''re all squared away and back to having fun, folks. here's to fun!)