11:34 am
Time for me to qui... ah-ha - like I'm going to give you all a word for free.
Time for me to call it a day.
A "sarnie" is a colloquial term for sandwich, to whoever asked yesterday.
6:10 pm
that was me. good to know. never know when i might need to ask for a sandwich by some silly word in england or thereabouts.
6:29 pm
bunch of 10, 18, and 30 pointers up there. too many vowels though!
6:37 pm
Hi there, I didn't have much time to spend with yesterday's puzzle, so what were the 3 big words from that one? Please share?
7:41 pm
To Ann--handier, randier, shinier, and shinnied
8:13 pm
i cant believe vulgar words are acceptable
10:01 pm
vulgar or not, it's an established word that goes back several centuries, so it makes sense that i'd be acceptable.