5:18 am
poetic puzzle. title references to poems by a.g. swinburne(felise), horace/dowson's(non sum qualis blahblah cynarae), and a name from poe's raven. all of them "oops that isn't a valid word!" :(
7:07 am
If one were to use the Q without the U, shouldn't it be worth the whole 10 points rather than just 6?
10:04 am
Not if the 6 points is equivalent to the score you'd get for the Q and the U separately, no.
I can't get 1000, but I'm not all that far away, for once.
10:16 am
hey... aren't you usually over 1000?
as opposed to me who's looking at today's puzzle going "er.... no."
12:03 pm
Thank you to "cbullock" who pointed out a glitch in the system. Sorry to all of you who loved the word "faqir". It was fun while it lasted. ;)
10:26 pm
"woo't drink up eisel?" is too a word.
10:31 pm
i wish it would accept oreo. i want an oreo.
with liquor.