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View Word List Wednesday, April 28, 2004


3826 themick
3745 claws
3597 chantilly
3581 Badgero
3451 Justin
3420 bacchae
3413 rkcrawford
3270 Castor
3259 scothand
3212 FalconNL
3177 cbullock
3142 eshadow
3089 tvoltagg
3030 PairOfSox
3027 Foulke29
2915 Now_a_Pumpkin
2872 Z-Tab
2824 chimone
2793 Michelle
2778 humbert
2775 holmes
2728 Delta
2724 tommyslax
2721 johnsu01
2713 angsthase
2676 Mrkwako
2660 aswag74
2649 Logism
2616 vortex
2584 gotz00
2553 lawyer-1
2549 P-DIDDY
2510 B.B.
2469 mvuijlst
2467 discodave
2452 MrBigBrain
2442 refusal
2402 Yecats
2371 bebelua
2349 hoofmane3030
2340 fultonic
2339 Egregious Jones
2285 Jumpy Girl
2267 jak
2264 burns1
2259 keet
2256 Rico Diablo
2236 RKirwin
2144 sapphie
2130 Achates
2111 o-fah13
2104 hikat
2089 cdalbaugh
2083 pufferfish
2061 defenestrate99
2057 CubsRotation
2034 babs
2011 VelvetJones
2009 mommav
2001 standby4sue
1983 joyce
1982 Kaetchen
1946 DTOX
1937 MikOto
1926 lion_newbie
1922 gleebs
1915 4t8
1881 ctjoueur
1868 dspike
1860 erindee
1833 murphyz
1821 SAS
1795 Alti
1792 Beren
1762 jacicita
1745 derrr
1720 athena
1711 Funf
1707 faunafrailty
1675 theonleething
1668 jen
1588 tangy
1582 bryanyoung
1543 suzy
1541 Shona
1509 lenimo
1498 Natasha
1495 elphaba
1493 geekgeek
1483 Marilyn Manson
1449 ridthecancer
1442 Dottie
1427 the crab
1414 Christine
1408 jovilamonk
1395 Catherine
1311 ikss
1247 lra
1218 ame
1203 confuzzed
1200 sock
1188 domissamerica
1186 floradivine
1175 fifi
1158 fancy
1147 Tanny
1108 mommyd
1105 sauril
1105 Keala
1090 elysia
1085 Bella
1040 cjustine
1027 uhhhlis
1017 crazy_azz_mo_fo
1010 EmmaB
1008 iluvtigs
1000 libboy
908 RPStar
859 stacie
856 silverkat
838 putrid
838 Fantasy
835 BIA
823 roomette
796 Anti-Telfer
791 CDS
769 petestein1
753 ckoops
734 Joeyson
734 JaxxY
733 Meljo
729 freerangelettuce
696 Patella
696 genou
687 helmet
684 Crabbers
683 fundercat
665 RC Jester
661 qsma
622 taxi
619 Fletch
618 tristanner
617 jbullock
614 Twynk
583 Eug
578 nat
563 Si
553 Natalie
493 Jonesy
479 mmc
464 splib
457 diebsta
451 ptolemys
444 LPF
439 Stubbychuck
437 Sandy
435 jin
433 Ignoranus
425 donbiotik
421 paul cross
418 nanc
412 fretty
394 linda
388 klischke
386 Jet
377 sparky805
372 lildebbi21
368 robot
365 rockdoris
357 katelikesyou
320 TheDan666
316 Sara
293 drscottjennings
291 aki2403
288 qtpi
257 Aimee
251 robinrobin
243 twiggy73
241 chasedbyashark
208 stefan
208 Ted
204 samhain11520
200 Red
198 gadgetqueen
120 Jimbo
98 surreal241
93 Xeiliex
68 revafisheye
58 Jamie
56 Berg
52 Bobby
51 9y
32 stomachacidqueen
25 Cheater
19 DoomSister
18 Hypo
17 dcohen
10 bradgsanford
8 veve
5 poppy


12:09 am
Marilyn Manson

we are evil >;)
12:15 am

now this is a nice setup. i was worried about you for a while, babble.
12:22 am

already a 9!
12:26 am
Marilyn Manson

28 here
12:27 am
Marilyn Manson

ignore me, i am stupid.
12:31 am

no, you're brilliant.
12:39 am

also, three 7s and an 8

already 79 words. i love high score boards.
1:22 am

1:30 am

No "chai" boo!
1:41 am


For some people this would mean a score of 3000 or so at days end. Those are scary people. For me it means I'm pretty much done.
3:50 am

2 7's and an 8 and I've only got 10 words in total so far. I like this board
4:21 am

And a 9! My first ever. I am pathetically excited by this.
4:21 am

five 7's, one 8. this is my second game. I definitely like it.
5:52 am

I'm really enjoying this one....challenging but not disgustingly frustrating like some previous... and Dtox....its not nice calling me scary ;)
6:09 am

Still a long way to go...
6:22 am

Time to get to class.
6:52 am

nothing like staring with a 7.00 for your first 11 words
6:54 am


and yet its so early. i definately like this board.
7:12 am

OMG, another 9!
7:15 am

And a 3rd 9. and I've only got 27 words so far - 27, 6.26, 833
7:19 am

good morning Mr.Big Brains ! Did you find that 9 letter word yet? Have a graet day :) .
9:54 am

I'm sure I'll still be in the bottom half of the list come tomorrow, but I have broken 2000 for the first time:

105, 5.35, 2051
10:01 am

burns, i love that I have 50 more words than you and your score is higher.

Stupid 9s.
10:09 am

No kidding. I have 154 for 2302, but not a single 9 yet..
10:17 am

I just got very lucky today. One of my 9's is a compound word that I just though 'what the hell' and gave it a go. I couldn't believe it came up.
10:18 am

Even though I'm not usually very high-ranking, I'm proud of how many words I can get without just randomly typing in letters and getting words that nobody's ever heard of.
Also, hihat is a word: I've seen it spelled like that
10:46 am

125, 5.22, 2264.

And that's a day for me.
10:59 am

with still only one 9
11:10 am

143, 5.09, 2264.

And that's a day for me.
11:21 am

anyone else find that you're using words that you used in previous puzzles?
11:26 am

I am really going to get fired today, but...

151/5.16/2475 - Still only two 9's
11:27 am

Bugger - I have a 9 the puzzle doesn't like, but only one of the three that are acceptable.
11:37 am

Wah-hoooooooo One happy Blonde has got her first 9 :) lol
11:37 am

with one 9 remaining
11:43 am

Man, I got a 9 for my first word. How many are there total--3? And how many 8s so far?
11:50 am

I've got 6 eights and 2 nines so far, but there's at least 3 nines and lord knows how many eights out there.
11:55 am

8 8's and 2 9's so far
1:08 pm

194/5.10/3166 and that's probably as much as I'm gonna find on this one.
1:25 pm

gawd! this is the babble of a million words. they just keep appearing
1:40 pm

i have one seven. :\ nothing else is screaming out at me. all i see is "paris hilton" ... bah
2:05 pm

Damned if Ii can find a 3rd 9 letter word...I think I'm starting to go cross-eyed from looking...
2:28 pm

hey do you get all these 9's and 8's??? Wish I had more time for this...but I don't ...still love the infuriating challenge!!
2:54 pm

Oh yeah blonde sue!!!! I got a nine too!!!!! First ever!!!!
3:23 pm

How do i get them? Because I'm an insomniac with nothing better to do? lol Still haven't found the third 9 though..... I'm beginning to think i should do that magic eye picture trick, see if it jumps out at me instead...
5:19 pm

Hey bacchae.. more importantly did you find the milk and bread?
7:25 pm

there aren't enough hours in the day to play today's babble... holy crap
7:53 pm

I'm going to compile a new dictionary... I keep finding words that sound plausible, but they're rejected.... poor me, I'm the Queen of 4-5-6-7 letter words.....few 8s and so far, no 9s.
8:17 pm

hey, how come its not letting me put in the singular version of some of the longer words I've gotten? Is there some glitch that if you enter the pluarl first it won't let you get the points for the singular?
8:37 pm

my third game-finally got a 9! I'm addicted.
8:48 pm

Now this is really odd..... I was unsure of the spelling of a word, so I tried both variations. Only one was accepted, but the other is the one that appears in the Babble dictionary.
9:05 pm

Well I must say that going almost a whole day without Babble is extreamly hard and my mind feels kinda squishy but that could be from my ACT's. So alot of yall found nine letter words cool for you.
9:18 pm

142/5.06/2309 -- Whew! Well, I'm glad at least BABBLE's going well for me today... :)
9:25 pm

What's wrong? I have an excuse I took the ACT's so I can have a bad day but you, why?
9:34 pm

It's hard, working in the arts under a conservatively-fascist political administration...*sigh*...Support local live theater, Babblers! :)
9:35 pm

I GOT MY FIRST EVER SEVEN I can live happily now if only I had a date to my prom but oh well.
9:49 pm

Annoying, it's only 4 letters, but it doesn't like 'sile' even though it's definitively a word and has been so for hundreds of years.
11:35 pm

isn't pilsen a valid word?