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View Word List Sunday, May 9, 2004


1356 GeneralVanya
1228 patty
1203 DRS
1152 Justin
1138 rkcrawford
1005 beluga
986 xena
936 dicktrickle
911 sapphie
909 Z-Tab
890 Now_a_Pumpkin
830 Delta
818 cheeto44
815 gotz00
811 RET
799 angsthase
767 Bella
763 Michelle
755 4t8
740 lra
736 lawyer-1
735 geekgeek
722 ctjoueur
720 maraca
719 jak
700 discodave
696 hikat
664 Assa
656 elphaba
636 derrr
612 tommyslax
605 maldis
601 standby4sue
599 eepingbunny
587 bebelua
583 floradivine
579 fultonic
578 Keala
572 L D
567 theonleething
564 Christine
563 lion_newbie
561 Tanny
560 Dottie
532 jen
524 Jumpy Girl
516 belladabal
463 Cookie
459 Glimmersby
458 Mrkwako
454 Judith
444 ejackg22
442 fussmybacon
431 fussbudget
431 gadgetqueen
428 pufferfish
422 K-Dog
403 mandybojangles
400 gleebs
381 April
354 Alti
310 diebsta
310 drscottjennings
309 robinrobin
297 Badgero
286 Shona
276 jbullock
267 fifi
265 lalika
255 taxi
255 Patella
248 bvsnxfan
237 iluvtigs
227 robot
224 joyce
221 angie
221 dexterfan9
209 linda
206 xaiolynn
205 SAS
168 jean
159 teach_98
159 Meljo
156 Marilyn Manson
153 DTOX
131 buckwalrus
123 kmeigs
116 emptyb
108 audchu
84 Caquino73
71 alessio
68 riles
57 loiler
51 tor
41 bacchae
37 confuzzed
26 ImaBiatch
24 rockdoris
24 bubblescrape
24 bryanyoung
12 Mal


12:57 am

What do YOU say, when you see someting nasty....... eeuw!!
3:59 am

I know... but it's still a word...
5:14 am
Marilyn Manson

omg... i cant believe that nigger is actually on the board. you KNOW someone creates these things and there not just computerized.
5:14 am
Marilyn Manson

and i have a really bad habbit of giving away words... sorry folks.
5:22 am

thnks MM! i was wondering what bad word Chris and Assa were chatting about
6:33 am

HEY!!!! I most certainlt did not use that word (I did try NIGER, but it was rejected)..' eeuw' was the word I saw as soon as I signed on; the other isn't in my vocabulary, so I just ignored it..
6:40 am

I'm sure the letters are fully randomised.
9:04 am


The puzzles are definitely computer-generated. The whole site pretty much runs itself.

And, the word in question is a valid word. It's just not something that should probably be discussed at length here in the chat log.
10:06 am

Well, to get back on track...
I have 1 - 8 and 2 - 7's, anymore out there?
10:49 am

Only one 8 and one 7, but not too bad a score despite that - 58/4.49/700
10:55 am

Well I cant see a Naughty word ;) I need to get out more Right!? lol
10:57 am

Ooops just found it :o :O
11:42 am

frign puzzle
2:38 pm

3:44 pm

1 seven, no eights, 497 - yesterday was tough but this one seems harder
4:10 pm

can't find that 8 either Ret
4:15 pm

617 - time to take a break ....
4:25 pm

New to the game - wonder what the beep word is.
4:36 pm

Only one bird today...can't believe I missed the tern yesterday....Hmmmm!!! LOL

two 7's but still no 8
5:07 pm

Anyone got anything starting with the 's'?
5:22 pm

only a few ending in 's'
5:36 pm

Dropping off here over the tomorrow so have to stop at 83 words 4.61 911
10:10 pm

788 - still struggling - two 7's
10:13 pm

i swear there is something in my chem book about enert gases.