12:07 am
I dont like the look of this one
12:09 am
No. Not at all.
12:10 am
Well, here's a little beauty -- I think I'll get a cuppa, before I tackle this mess of disjointed letters.. unless this a fiendish plot to drive me dotty.
12:13 am
I think I'm pretty much going to skip this one. I got 12 words, and, whatever, it's not gonna be fun.
12:17 am
OK. I bogglesolved the stats. I'm not sure anyone really wants to know... don't read the rest of this message if you don't want to see how sad...
55 words (-ish. the boggle solver isn't precisely aligned with babble's dictionary).
0 8-letter
0 7-letter
4 6-letter
14 5-letter
Have a nice day, I'm gonna enjoy my day off. :)
12:27 am
having 31 looks okay now!
12:31 am
So far, only 16 words for 117 points.. that's 14/4s and 2/5s... what a laugh.
I think I'm outta here, 'til tomorrow.
12:38 am
36 / 4.28 / 312
But nothing above a 5 *sigh*
12:43 am
39/4.38/372. one 6 - it's a T & a plural. am going to snooze.
12:44 am
a clue for a 6 - starts with a d
12:44 am
A 6!!! And a different one to 4t8 but its something we'll all probably need after spending too much time on this
12:46 am
oh goodness, forgot about that one...won't we though!
1:05 am
43 so far...
I think I like these more difficult ones - makes me focus on only certain areas, and I get a higher % of words
1:16 am
2 6s starting with D .... but I can't get the T one at all!
1:16 am
Okay, so I'm back - I'm weak, what can I say?
Oh, I found your Tolkien word - the one that was in Thursday's or Friday's grid.
1:39 am
the t six is a plural of a dirty love affair ;)
1:42 am
Any clues on either of the d- sixes? I have the t.
1:44 am
Lucile Ball's t.v. husband minus the letter i, plus the what you do when you are very sad.
1:49 am
Thanks, found them both.
2:02 am
there are 3 d sixes
2:04 am
This is the worst of the last four days. and they have not been good
2:06 am
I totally do not understand the Lucille Ball clue. I have one of the D 6's, and I'm looking for the others.
2:07 am
lucille ball was married to a cuban actor who ran a big band. his first name(in the show) minus the letter "i" plus the word for the action when you cry.
2:08 am
The clue is like a charades clue and has nothing to do with the definition. the definition is not that helpful.
2:10 am
here is the definition
To catch sight of (something difficult to discern).
2:13 am
I am obviously being *so* dim in not seeing this T 6!!! Ah well, something to spend the rest of the day getting frustrated about :P
2:13 am
Sorry Lucy's husband was ricky ricardo in the show. his real first name is what you want.. My Bad.
2:15 am
Ya, I know what his TV name was, it's the putting together of the letters I'm not getting. Last I checked, there is no word that starts out 'rcky.' Per chance, do you mean his real name?
2:15 am
a five for 20 is tomb raiders last name
2:16 am
read my last post
2:16 am
I was wondering if you meant his real name. I was like, do you know of some special way to spell Ricky that I am not aware of? 'Cause I would want to be in the know about that. :)
2:22 am
Good Lord. I would have never found that word. Thanks for the help. I'm off to bed. 25/240. Here's my breakdown:
c x 4
d x 5
f x 2
m x 1
r x 1
t x 10
v x 1
y x 1
2:28 am
Atalante - I'll make a pot of tea, and we can be frustrated together.
Iit's been such a loooong time, since I had a dirty love affair, how'm I supposed to remember what it's called.
2:29 am
having played the last two icky grids I developed the theory that playing them is good for stats. If its rotten for one its rotten for all so it doesn't matter. My place in the rankingmoved from 171th to 96th - pretty good.
YET, this grid is something else. I am fighting the pull, the draw and the suck of the damn thing like mad. I want a day off. Today is a good grid day to miss. Do not let me play.... PLEASE!
2:32 am
I haven't played my other two player names in a week and I've since moved from 126 to 9th place. the thing is (I think) after a month your scores are dropped from the averages. I had some initial low scores and when they dissappeared my rank shot up. Now I'm afraid to use the name unless I can score big.
2:33 am
So I am only using Bulldog when I can score over 2000. Today I have 560 points and I don't want to risk the top ten.
2:34 am
I will not use efferyja ever again. so everyone can consider 11th place to be nonexistant and can imagine moving up one plae in the ranking.
2:36 am
My shoulders hurt like hell, and I think it's the tension of sitting at the computer for so long, and getting nowhere.
Being thick, I have the T6, and the tomb raider, and didn't realize that's what I was looking for... the raider thingie has anothe definition, so..
2:41 am
I could be wrong however and that the rankings are based on the percentage of words out of the possible for the grid in which case today I am doing well but, I wanted to discover the method of ranking that is why I created the extra names. I think the most fair way is:
1)for every grid to be weighed equally.
2) only the grids you play are counted
3) the percentage of words found compared to possible words should be the deciding factor.
4) the highest and lowest performances should not be consiered into the rankings(everyone has a bad day)
5) if you log in but do not enter any words the grid should not effect the rankings.
6) there should be a way to check you own performances over the past month.(without checking each archive listing seperately)
Since I do not know for certain how the rules are set up I am conducting tests to feel out the ranking system.
2:41 am
'Scoring big' is relative to the grid isn't it? scoring 2000 on an easy grid is not better than scoring 750 on a lousy grid like this. no?
Can I have some of your tea Christine? mine's downstairs getting cold...
2:43 am
I'm very interested in your test results Jeff - could make decisions whether to play or not a lot easier
2:43 am
I once posted the very negative remark about the player rankings only being updated when the people running the game themselves did well. I would like to retract the comment and chalk it up to frustration and immaturity.
2:47 am
As if they would ever not do well.
2:47 am
I used the name efferyja on exactly three games on each game I scored over 3000, one I scored 4500 I immediately shot up to 9th place. I was not in first place on any of the three grids I played. With bulldog I played every puzzle for a month. I scored poorly on my first two puzzles and then on every subsequent puzzle I scored in the top 15. it took five weeks to move my initial ranking of 231 to the top ten.
The only real conclusions I can draw is that hard work paid off eventually. I was mighty frustrated. I actually got perfect scores on three puzzles and my placement remained firmly in the 131 range.
2:50 am
After the fourth week. I didn't play for a week. I was out of town, would you believe that my player ranking moved from 131 to 8th place. I didn't even enter one word. The conlusion I draw is that my earlier failures were no longer being counted.
2:51 am
I am not sure about the total point or the percentages having the greater bearing. I need to devise another experiment.
2:52 am
maybe they count entered scores regardless of grid. So that when you score loads on a good grid, the score counts for a lousy grid a following time if you don't play it....
2:53 am
I wish the creators had posted this information. I have only been playing for five weeks and I have gone to great lengths to figure it out. Perhaps a player who has been playing longer has some valuable info.
2:53 am
great things we invent to spend our time on... eh?
2:55 am
I had that thought that isis exactly why I created the efferyja name. but now bulldog is ranked higher. I always scored in the top 15 or so with bulldog but I played every grid. I think each grid is equal in the averages. I think the ranking is not point sensative in that the a higher score is not necessarily better than your percentage of found words.
2:57 am
So that means that you can do just as well playing the lower scoring grids. The higher scoring grids are more satisfying but realisticly your percentage of found words will probably be lower. My personal best on a grid is 4650 but the winner that day scored 5650.
2:58 am
exactly - so a lousy grid should make no never mind... right? meaning, play every day. Spend all your time staring at a babble grid - take up the challenge and see (for no apparant reason) your name go up and up in the rankings list.
2:59 am
the sad aim of every addict....
3:00 am
And up till I read the earlier posts I didn't realize that the web offered a perfect method of cheating. The player Q made referrence to a word finder that actually will find all the words in a particular grid. Till today It haden't occured to me that one would exist with out programing it yourself, which I lack the talent. I suggest we never make mention of it again or the rankings will become meaningless and will be skewed
3:01 am
And really where is the fun and the learning process, and the amount of time it takes to enter the words is unreasonably fast. the log will die and I will be sad :(
3:01 am
yeah - usually Huh told us how many words there were in a grid, but said he never used it to cheat. And then yesterday the honest sole even posted the wordt he accidentally saw so it would be fair.
3:03 am
you could always go to a chat room....
But the learning proces - yes - I seem to learn more than just word finding skills...
3:03 am
morning all,
I have actually moved up several dozen place (71) since the last time I looked at my ranking. Pretty impressive seeing as I have only played 3 games (last monday,tuesday&wednesday) and I looked at my ranking on friday
3:04 am
I've no problem with using a dictionary, there are 600,000 words in english alone. Even shakespeare only had a vocab of 30,000, but the solver is not helpful. I wish Q hadn't posted it. now I'm going to be tempted.
3:04 am
by the way - 'sole' in my earlier posting should read 'soul'. Too long in a foreign country does not do ones spelling any good whatsoever.
3:07 am
It doesn't really matter. If you give in to the temptation you will discover whether its satisfying or not, and maybe you will learn other things that you would not learn if you forcefully controlled your urges....
3:08 am
so, moody-mage - is it worth playing today or what would your advise be to a addicted grid (or log) follower?
3:08 am
Yeah, I know myself. But can I trust others.
3:10 am
I have played the last few but as I said I have used a different name. until I am sure as to how the ranking work I think I will save the small ones for this name and only do the bigones on bulldog.
3:10 am
the process is the same for others - its just a question of whether they are aware of the process and take learning from it... and if not, well - it'll just take longer for everyone to be happy ;)
3:12 am
and anyway - seeing that a brain can learn - if others cheat and score highly, all it does is stimulate us learning fanatics to become better. And then in the long run we will be brilliant without the use of exterior aid and our brains will be very well developed...
3:12 am
Got the T 6 *bangs head* how could I not have seen that for soooo long?
3:12 am
Oh when I'm sure as to how the rankings work I will drop the extra names. It really isn't ethical to use multiple monikers, I was merely manipulating the game to prove a theory.
3:13 am
So all it comes down to is - do what you feel comfortable with and leave others to do the same... :) nice and easy
3:15 am
I think the aim of this is to be satisfied with what you acheive and not compare yourself to critically against other.
3:17 am
please excuse the bad grammar...
3:19 am
True, but unless you know the basis of the comparison system you run the risk of over or underestimating your own performances .
3:19 am
yes, indeed! Although I am confronted with the competative element with which I was brought up. It gets in the way a lot! Babble is a useful game to play to shake stuff like that without too much delving into the dark depths of the past....
3:22 am
and I must admit - to see I'm not among the very lowest scorers IS very nice... And I've already learnt to not be too disappointed because I'm not among the top...
Maybe if i don't play for a while, my rankings will shoot up... !! ;)
3:22 am
If I score well consistantly I would assume that my ranking would be consistant. That is one reason I wanted to have a way to check my own past performances, without checking the whole grig. the mere posting of scores means there is a winner and consequently a loser. I enjoy competition and think it is healthy. However if your own scores were seperately accessable one could be more interested in their own growth.
3:24 am
you could even create a line graph that showed graphically your own performances and even quite easily superimpose the average performance on the grid or even another individual
3:25 am
competition does stimulate, but there is a limit. To HAVE to be among the best is a dis-ease. To see your own progress would be good. I vote for access to personal score charts/graphs.
3:27 am
Musicians constantly compare themselves to others. the peer network is vibrant and very competitive. one learns to take pleasure in success and work hard to avoid it. Failure is not a concept i am comfortable. and losing is a failure. posting the scores may not actually be healthy at all. I actually like the line graph better than the current listing with the winner on top.
3:27 am
OK people. I think I'm gonna be brave and tear myself away from this keyboard and log. It is very difficult...
so i may take a few postings to manage it. Leaving in one go is just too big a step.
3:28 am
It shouldn't be too hard. one could easily incoperate it into the game.
3:28 am
but only seeing your personal line graph cuts you off from the rest of the players... and each player will be on their own little island
3:29 am
I could tell a long boring joke to ween you of the puzzle.
3:29 am
I have noticed that the postings help a lot of people get a lot of many lettered high scoring words. Proving that co-operation means that all people progress faster that if you work alone...
3:29 am
"scrote" isn't valid!!! LOL
3:30 am
No island the game stay exactly the same with the addition of the line graph.
3:31 am
here is a clue worth a total of 26 points. a four and it's plural. both crossing a river and an americal car manufacturer
3:31 am
a long boring joke may help to turn my attention to other things in my life besides babble - more so than interesting babble chat logs
3:32 am
I like helping people more than actually finding the words
3:32 am
is this a joke or are you playing the game ?
3:33 am
Three buisness people come here to Las vegas to attend a conference on a new buisness model.
3:34 am
The first check in at the Lady luck and is told that the elevator is out. He is given instructions on how to get to his room. the Bell hop tells him to take the stairs go down the hall and its the fourth door on the right.
3:35 am
is it worth me staying around for this? would you be totally insulted if I now quit?
3:35 am
So the first buisness man takes the stairs and goes down the hall and enters his romm and as it is very late goes to sleep wanting to be fresh to take in the sights tomorrow.
3:35 am
ok - then what?
3:36 am
This is a long joke and you had better quit
3:37 am
The second buisness person checks in and gets his instructions. he has to go up two flights of stairs and cross a hall and then his room is the second on the right.
3:37 am
So he goes up the two fights of stairs and crosses the hall and settles down for the evening.
3:39 am
The third buisness person check in and the only room left is on the 12th floor and the stair aren't continous. So he has to go up eight flights of stairs cross the hall way and then continue up four more filghts of stairs and his room is the third on the left.
3:39 am
I'll take your word for it. I'll check back on it later - I HAVE to know what happens......
3:39 am
dang this is a long joke, don't get angry yet.
3:40 am
well, you keep typing, and I'll find it later.
3:40 am
In the morning the second buisness man is the first to awake and he dresses and leaves his room and crosses the hall goes down the two flights of steps and enters the restraunt in the lobby and orders a steak and egg breakfast.
3:41 am
enjoy! :)
3:42 am
The first buisnessman wakes up and showers and gets dressed and leaves his room and goes down the one flight of steps and enters the restraunt in the lobby and orders pancakes and orange juice.
3:44 am
The third buisness person wakes up last since he was tired from his long climb, he showers gets dressed and goesdown the four flights of stairs crosses the hall and continues down the remaining eight flights of stairs and enters the lobby restraunt, he then orders the steak and eggs breakfast
3:45 am
The moral of the story is that two out of three traveling buisness people have steak and eggs for breakfast.
3:46 am
I warned you.
3:49 am
All that and not even one comment
3:53 am
I've just come back to check - like I promised...
indeed silly joke, made me laugh. Score a lot of points for the typing effort!
3:54 am
and now - I will leave again quickly before I get trapped behing the grid for a second time.
Have fun out there, happy babblers
7:33 am
Jeff I found your word made it plural and only got 18 how do you get 26?
7:33 am
Jeff I found your word made it plural and only got 18 how do you get 26?
7:52 am
This is the hardest grid ever! Thanks for the joke, Jeff. A good groan is the best way to start a Monday!!
8:33 am
no friggin' vowels!!
8:38 am
I only have 34 words for 276 points
8:55 am
36/358 6 for 27 is best word I could find
8:56 am
and there were two of them
8:57 am
Can someone please provide us with some hints for the D 6 pointers? I found the one related to I Love Lucy, but am still missing the other 2 and the T as well.
9:24 am
401 wowzer
9:33 am
There is a pirate word starting with A.
9:38 am
The 4 6-letter words:
d36 - I Love Lucy clue given below
d27 - Rx
d30 - The person by the pool who has not yet been swimming
t27 - love affair. Y is its only vowel. It's the plural of a 5 for 16.
54/4.39/550 If there really are only 55 words I'm just missing 1 5-letter word.
9:48 am
thanks JLM
9:57 am
49 and 511
10:09 am
the 5-letter word you are missing is worth 10 points.
10:18 am
Why yes it was! :-D
And you know it's got to be a Monday morning when I'm sitting here in awe, wondering how you knew that. Then, I convinced myself it must start with E, since I didn't have any, and if you had one you'd know that. But eliminated that as an option very quickly.
Then duh - I figured you must already have found 55 words for a total of 560 points, and with my 550, you did some quick math and voila!
So, 55/4.40/560. And make that 15 T words.
I'll check back later to see if there are more words than that.
10:31 am
Modina...I'm not messing with this one any more...7 words for 36 points. Gotta work tonight. Call me there.
10:37 am
Thanks jlm_mi. I have 55 now too, thanks to you.
This puzzle is much easier than it first appears.
10:42 am
okay im missing an "s" and its kicking me
10:43 am
Hmmm...been on holiday for over a week...come back raring to go on babble...and what a pig of a grid...shall I bother???
10:52 am
55-560 so long its been wonderful
12:11 pm
HI ya'll icky puzzle..that makes 4 in a row..what's going on with the Babble Gods..are they testing us?
12:27 pm
cleary a dunce...can't get the i love lucy one or the rx one..sigh..bad bad puzzle
12:30 pm
ok got the i love lucy
12:34 pm
ok got the rx one thanks to mulher
12:36 pm
Well that was fun. I should be proud of myself for getting every word, for the first time. But it's hard to be proud of 55 words, especially when I found the last two by randomly hitting letters. :/
12:38 pm
i find most of them by just randomly typing in letters
12:40 pm
i'm stuck at 54/553
12:40 pm
All I need is an s-word, two c-s and two t-s and I'm done.
12:42 pm
i got it... i was missing a t word
12:56 pm
Oh sure it will accept an imaginary character, which according to Dic.com, is an acronym, but it won't accept floren.
12:56 pm
Floren, from a past puzzle.
1:01 pm
Mujer, are you referring to the Tolkien word?
1:04 pm
1:07 pm
Now that I've got the four 6's, what the heck else am I supposed to aim for? Direction! I need direction!
1:09 pm
Mulher - there are 55 words for 560 and you can see my complete list of starting letters below so that you know what you're missing. :)
1:11 pm
Ya, I noticed that a nanosecond after I pushed 'enter' for my last post. I'm working on my 3rd F word.
1:13 pm
Tolinya just pointed out to me, and I would like to say Congratualtions to lawyer-1 on being the top ranked player. 'Bout time :)
1:15 pm
And Bullodg is at a commendable 9th...(for not playing hehe)
1:34 pm
and being that there are only 55 possible words on this puzzle it just sucks you in even more to get to the 55
1:35 pm
Why won't it take mens???
1:36 pm
Found all 55.
Next puzzle please.
1:37 pm
Isn't men already plural by itself?
1:37 pm
Yes. Men's has an apostrophe, which is why it's invalid.
1:38 pm
BTW, my query was retorical. ;)
1:48 pm
yea.....55 words....are we sure there is not more?
1:51 pm
I'm in with 55 words
1:53 pm
lawyer-1 - Congratulations on reaching the #1 ranking today. It's about time!
1:54 pm
I finally have all 4 6ers!
1:56 pm
Not sure that there aren't more, but I think everyone so far who has reached 55 words is also at 560 points, so that would imply that probably there are no more.
Still, if anyone has more, please do tell!
2:22 pm
Um, yuck!
Is there a way to delete a game you wish you hadn't started? Or am I screwed?
2:30 pm
Mrs Often
Screwed screwed screwed
2:32 pm
S words are stumping me. I have the s word for fish, but that is all.
2:38 pm
Halloooo - Marianne - you have mail.
2:44 pm
That's the only S- word I have as well.
2:49 pm
there is a 4 letter s word for 9 points which means to predict the future....
2:50 pm
Hi Christine I read my mail and sent you EMail.
2:51 pm
The other 2 S words are both 4 letter words. One I didn't even know was a word and one is a word I've heard used on the TV show charmed or with reference to witches.
2:52 pm
There is also a four letter s for 5 points meaning to mow, snip or nip
2:54 pm
I cant for the life of me find an s word for fish though <rueful grins>
2:55 pm
thanks, I just got the S 4 for 9pts... so 2 down and 1 more S to go...
2:57 pm
think cod or haddock
2:59 pm
hint: it's a 5 letter word with one vowel
3:01 pm
Oh goodness Im having a thicker than usual day. All i can see is scampi, and it isnt there...
3:01 pm
I'm nearing the end but still missing....
Getting a bit frustrated. Need a break I think.
3:02 pm
mow snip or nip... I am clueless!!!
3:02 pm
Use the s on the left and enter four letter nonsense words till it comes up! Id never heard of it!
3:05 pm
The fish clue - look for Tasmin's post, around 2:30pm
3:08 pm
christine - excellent fish clue, lol!
minski - there are 2 4-letter m words that are anagrams of each other, plus the plural of one of them.
3:08 pm
I'm missing:
3:13 pm
got my last s word.... I have never heard of it either! Thanks for the tip!
3:17 pm
I must be reeeeelly thick - I can't get a lousy four-letter word, when I know the first letter, and a five-letter E word?
I have only 40 words, so, please, someone email me the fifteen I'm missing...
3:19 pm
Christine - I don't believe there are any words that begin with E
3:29 pm
I've re-read 4Fun's post (10:09am) - why'd I think it began with E????
OMGawd -
3:35 pm
Jo - are you jlm?
3:38 pm
Nope, no Jo here. :)
3:46 pm
Well, I'll be... I found that verrry wierd 'seer' word ... serendipity, because I was looking for snip-cut-mow, which is surely CUT
3:48 pm
Christine, if you were thick at 40 I guess I'm thick too. At least you redeemed youself with the fish clue. LOL! Glad I could indirectly help with that.
3:51 pm
Christine it must be a family thing in the genes I have only 41 words.
3:54 pm
ok wait there's a 4 letter 's' word that means nip/cut/snip?
is that right?
3:59 pm
Yes, that's right. It's worth 5 points, and it's most likely not a word you've heard before. Many of us found it by typing in plausible combos. :)
4:03 pm
Gonna make-up my chart, see what I'm missing, so I'll know where to look.
That snip-mow-nip is not likely to appear.
Y'now, what I'd really like is a pastrami on rye - if anyone's in the Los Angeles area...
4:08 pm
So the A/C guys are here..cat food dishes were on the floor. My child just ate a good 1/4 cup of science diet.
On a good note I just found $2 in my backpocket.
Sigh....no more Pediatrican visits I guess..must find a good vet now. HAH
4:10 pm
Wellll, if you'd said SNATHE as a clue, of course we'd all have that odd 'cut' word, right.
A great thing about this game, you find a word you'd never otherwise see, and remember it days later - . that's what happened to me, with theO word - I found it last week, and it's back, today.
Well, as mulmujer (?) once said, onward and sideways - I've adopted that as my rallying cry for the Babble-board.
4:10 pm
could someone post which letters the 5s start with? I'm missing 1 and 2 4s *sigh*
4:14 pm
Does it have a freakin' vowel in it???? (I'm trying to do it the math way..I think I've typed all the random combos I could come up with).
4:17 pm
I have:
A - 1x5
C - 6x4, 3x5
D - 6x4, 3x6
F - 2x4, 1x5
M - 2x4, 1x5
N - 1x4, 1x5
O - 1x4
R - 4x4
S - 2x4, 1x5
T - 9x4, 5x5, 1x6
V - 3x4, 1x5
Y - 1x4
4:23 pm
Atalante & Tolinya -- for a clue to the 'fish' word, go to Tasmin's post at 2:30pm - the beginning and the end are correct, so just substitute a vowel (not many of them, here), for the mid-section.
4:35 pm
I can't believe there are people who skip puzzles like this because they are "hard." Any time it's possible to get every single word in a puzzle that's great in my book! Not to mention if you're missing 1 word today, you can get personalized hints to help you find it... :)
4:38 pm
Tolinya - that dogfood thing hapened with Marianne's son, when he was at the crawling stage -- our Mum was horrified -- but he turned out one of my favourite nephews.
4:42 pm
oh!!! jlm_mi thank you :)
4:43 pm
i cant get the fish word or the O word I am going to my bed.
4:45 pm
Marianne - email coming your way, then g'night, God bless, see you tomorrow ... remember?
4:48 pm
es I remmber I say the same thing to my kids and grandchildren. Goodnight God Bless see you in the morning Please God. Mums saying
5:22 pm
Does the S-4 for 9 have a vowel? I feel like I've tried every single 4 letter S combo and just can't get anything!!!
5:30 pm
Marianne - was it Tom or Ryan that ate the dog food??
5:32 pm
Parrker - it's part of a D6 word...
5:33 pm
55 words .... woohoo! .... thanks jlm_mi for the word lengths :)
5:53 pm
egads, i got the s for 4 - it looks like a seuss word. 44 right now.
5:56 pm
It looks like I need three T4s and two T5s; one V4 and one V5; and one C5
Back to the treadmill...
5:59 pm
4t8 - I think both S4s are Dr. Seuss or Lewis Carroll words...
Ye Olde English .. good old Saxon words, I guess.
6:00 pm
oops, that's an s for 5
6:02 pm
thanks, Christine :) ; i'll see what the y can do then.
6:13 pm
Christine - The V5 is a plural of a V4 (probably the one you're missing). That V4 is an anagram of another V4. And, it shares the 3 starting letters with the 3rd V4. If that doesn't solve it for you, I'm not sure what will. LOL! ;)
6:13 pm
sigh...i suck..can't get the wierd s word...only have the one having to do with witches..for g*d's sake there's only 3 of them Tolinya
6:14 pm
4t8 -- sorry if I misled you... they'renot actually from Dr.Seuss or Lewis Carroll, just sound like made-up words; but I think they're very old, obsolete words... and we'll remember them next month, when they resurface in a grid.
6:15 pm
and i have the anagram v's just missing the other 2
6:15 pm
Tolinya - Start with the same S that starts the witchy word. The witchy word and the other S-4 sort of wrap around each other, sharing no letters except the S.
6:16 pm
one of the v's is the plural of one of the anagram v's (if you follow)
6:18 pm
Tolinya - there's a D6 word - drop the beginning, and you have this wierd word.
Now, V-words, that's another tale, altogether..
6:18 pm
got the 's' for 5
<happy dance>
6:20 pm
got the plural 'v' how stupid!! LOM
6:22 pm
that's okay, Christine! the funny thing is, once i saw it, i was sure "syft" would be accepted. :D
6:24 pm
Then I must be missing that other D6 cuz you can't make anything out of the 2 I've got lol...
one is the RX
and one is the witchy
6:24 pm
or rather unwitchy lol
6:27 pm
Jlm so you really think SDFC is a word??? ok lol j/k
6:27 pm
the witchy s just revealed itself in the still water, i mean the grid.
6:28 pm
4t8 did you get the unwitchy part as well?
6:30 pm
Tolinya - you take the first letters from the witchy-word...
And, for the 3rd D6, Jeff posted a clue (swimming related)
6:35 pm
<insert bad word> didn't even see my other D6 LOM
sorry trying to entertain the 8 month old while babbling..CLEARLY he's getting the better end of my brain....
6:36 pm
i did, Tolinya, and am also stumped on the 3rd D6.
6:37 pm
not sure if that's what i was looking for got the 4th r
6:40 pm
ok so not only is the 8 mos old enamored with cat food..but he likes emory boards????
6:40 pm
D 6 for 36, 27, 30 which do you not have? I am missing 1 C4, 2 T4, and 2 T5
6:41 pm
mm. i need a 4th as well.
just got the non-swimming 6.
6:41 pm
I have a 4 month old and a 19 month old and here I sit babbing...
6:42 pm
eh it's all good we all need 'me' time.. and i'm also "working"
6:42 pm
oh, the non-witchy one, think along the lines of sneetches on beaches, that may help.
6:43 pm
Elric - I have two V4s - one is huge, the other is tuns.... my brain is frazzled.
(incidentally - I think your name sounds like either a Saxon villein or someone who lives in the trees, something like the Green Man.... love it)
6:46 pm
Hi, Ok I give up, I was going to work away silently but I can't. I thought Lucille Ball's husband was called Ricky. Are you saying there is a word that starts rc ? And I can't get the witchy one. I've been trying loads of silly combinations Any more clues ?
6:46 pm
Christine - thanks for that clue! I got it finally :)
6:49 pm
it's his real life name. google probably has it. ;)
6:49 pm
No his real life name was something else his screen name was Ricky Ricardo
And the witchy one..think of bowls and water....
6:49 pm
Dimwit - Use Ricky's real name, not show name ;)
6:50 pm
Wow, great minds think alike, huh?! LOL
6:51 pm
ok can i get a total on the 3rd 4s...got the witchy got the fish (for 5 letters)
6:51 pm
LOL at Parker - I thought you were being awfully rude calling this person a dimwit just because they used the wrong name. Then I realized who you were talking to. :-D
6:52 pm
that's why i shortened it to Dim...lol
6:52 pm
Wait, I thought you had that S Tolinya? It's for 5 points, and that's the one I was referring to as being wrapped around with the S for 9, but starting with the same S.
6:54 pm
nope i've got the witchy one and the fish..according to your word count i'm still missing a 4s
6:54 pm
Ah but I am one....(sigh) I got the witchy
one, thanks, I'd tried the longer version starting with e but hadn't noticed the shorter with s, common fault of mine that - I'm going googling now.
6:54 pm
it's the one that means to cut/trim or something right?
6:55 pm
<looks at clock wonders how long it'll take dim>
any bets?
6:59 pm
wheeee, 55/560 - who wants to bet on a 56th hiding out there?
6:59 pm
Which 4S do you need, the one for 9 or 5 points?
7:00 pm
it's also part of a scythe.
7:00 pm
In the puzzle, the S-5 resides beneath the S-9.
7:00 pm
I need tips on the T5 words, I have 2 for 12 and 1 for 16
7:02 pm
Use left side of puzzle for the S word and just try combos
7:06 pm
Ooh great, got the ricky one - can't believe how I worked around it and didn't see it! Thanks all :)
7:06 pm
There are also T5 words for:
14 - plural of a 4 for 6
10 - Add one letter to the end of a T4 for 4
7:06 pm
red-more than i've got
7:10 pm
got the y4
7:12 pm
T5s one goes round your throat, one is a secret lovers meeting, one was carried
7:14 pm
how'd you get the t around your throat to be 5? you can't pluralize it
7:14 pm
7:17 pm
Got both the missing T5 words... THANKS... can I help you with any? I need 1 C4 and 2 T4 words and I'll have the 55 words.
7:19 pm
that must be the T4 that i'm missing. have 2 for 4.
my throat-t is plural, too.
7:19 pm
you must still have a t-4 missing ? there is certainly one you can pluralise to make a 5 - did I explain it wrong?
7:19 pm
ok and if the gardner (yeah like we can afford one of those) ever told me he was gonna s---- I would just look at him and then fire him
7:20 pm
you should have two t's related to throats..one singular and one plural
7:21 pm
no, that's 3 for 4.
7:21 pm
i'm missing a v4
got the 2 anagrams need the other...clues?
7:21 pm
Still haven't got a fish or - something on the beach was it ? amongst others !
7:24 pm
look at 2:30pm by Tasmin and insert different vowels
7:25 pm
sorry for the fish look at that post from 2:30pm
7:26 pm
dim, you definitely didn't explain it wrong - i was missing it and just found both t's thanks to your hints.
7:28 pm
Just one more T-4 and I'm done! I can't believe it, I never thought I'd finish a puzzle! JLM - thanks for your help with your letter tallies and everyone else, thanks for the awesome clues!
7:29 pm
did you get the v that's similar to "cup" in spanish, Tolinya?
7:30 pm
all 3 V words are anagrams... all the same letters in different order
7:31 pm
unlike the mulher...i only know "mcdonald's spanish" as i call it...enuf to make my crew understand me...sigh and the only v word i'm thinking of is cow.
7:32 pm
i have big spaces and amount of beer i like to consume....(plus the plural)
7:32 pm
i'm missing a C4 and a C5
7:33 pm
heck it might even be french..sigh..7 years of french down the tubes to 5 years working at mcd's and having a full staff of spanish speakers
7:33 pm
you're so close!!!! subsitute one letter of cow.
7:35 pm
missing 1 C4 and 2 T4.... HELP!!!! lol
7:36 pm
Well, I've never heard of that fish before,
thanks Tolyina I've a new word to add to my list !
7:37 pm
the definition of one of the t4's is not really a definition..in fact i'm not sure what it is! similar to a starchy vegetable just a t in the beginning...
7:37 pm
7, 7, 9, 6, 8 are the points for my C4 words... what points am I missing?
7:37 pm
don't attribute that to me..hehe someone else gave that hint below...and i was clueless!!! it's a new fish for me as well..although now that i think about it i think i've heard it before...trout maybe? or something..anyway
7:38 pm
How many cs should there be ? I have 6
7:38 pm
Got the last v4 thanks dim and everyone else!!!
7:39 pm
according to jlm there should be 6-4 and 3-5
7:39 pm
I have 9 t-4's and I can't imagine having any of them around my throat, am I missing something?
7:40 pm
9: 6-4's and 3-5's.
7:41 pm
The T4 points I have are 6, 6, 4, 7, 4, 5
7:42 pm
add a letter to one of the c 4s to change the tense
7:44 pm
they can also go around your arms.
also, they sound like a measurement re: a force's X and rotation around an axis.
7:45 pm
I have 10 ts. The throat one is jewellery often found in ancient graves. Check your words with the dictionary, you have probably already got it.
7:47 pm
ok my c's in order are 7, 7, 6..help with the others? i've tried every combo i woudl think to try
7:47 pm
hm. i have that, as well as the ropey c.
any more help? i can't think what combos beginning with co and cr i haven't tried.
7:48 pm
i think you can pluralize your second 7.
7:49 pm
yup i've got computer c.... the ropey one and coast in french
did you get the 3 5's?
7:49 pm
yup got the plural of the second 7
7:51 pm
Anyone got the y one ? One of the c s is a common name in America I think without the e - several actors have it as a first name, one was in Lost Boy's.
7:52 pm
The y one is a currency
7:52 pm
no. i don't know french, but my guess is that may be the word that you can change the tense on. is it worth 6 points?
mine in order are 7, 7, 16, 9, 9, 6, 16.
7:53 pm
Ok the c's I've now got are 7,7,9,9,6
7:54 pm
Oh that WAS easy - how could I miss that one - Oh well it is nearly 2 am.
7:54 pm
dont' forget the Tomb Raider's name for 20
7:55 pm
so i've got 7 7 16 9 9 6 16 20
7:56 pm
4t8 yes that's the one you can change the tense on
7:56 pm
did you get the past tense of the one that sound like a dove's home ? Or the reptile with lots of teeth ? (16 and 8)
7:57 pm
thought i'd already tried that one DOH ok done with c's lol
7:57 pm
u need anymore?
7:58 pm
10 words left woot! then i can go workout
7:59 pm
oh! the tombraider one - just got it. don't have the 8.
which others do you need?
8:00 pm
I don't have the second c for 9 or a 20 - any clues ?
8:00 pm
1 d for 4 got 5 36 27 8 5 30 8 8
8:01 pm
20 is tomb raider related
8:03 pm
well, one is the name of the guy who sang the sunglasses at night song. or similar to the inside of an apple.
the 20, well i googled for tomb raider info.
really confused as to how to get 5 points with 3 letters.
8:05 pm
think last name....
8:05 pm
sounds like the name of a daytime [TV]soap.
8:05 pm
dictionary says related to a farm???
8:06 pm
what points do you have for T4 words? Mine are 6, 6, 4, 7, 4, 5
8:06 pm
ok i've got 5 d4's need 1 more..got 5 8 5 8 8
8:07 pm
i'm really sad on the t's only have 3...6 6 4
8:08 pm
make that 6 6 4 4
8:09 pm
I left out a T4 for 4.. I have 7 total T4 words
8:11 pm
ok 6 6 4 7 4 5 4
8:13 pm
do you have the bag-type 4 or the horse movement 4? one is spelled like bull in spanish (translation web site), but without the extra r.
8:14 pm
yup got all 3 of those
8:14 pm
Thanks, I was sure I had tried that one ! Must have spelt it wrong. Still one c short if there are 9 ? 7 7 9 9 6 16 8 20
8:15 pm
ok so you should have 6-4 and 3-5 for the c's you missing a 4?
8:16 pm
pluralize ropey thing
8:16 pm
t 's one is a shortened version of a scottish beret (4 for 6)
8:16 pm
5 words oh my g*d i'm so close!!!! AAAAHHHHHH
8:17 pm
everyone get the wierd 4 without a definition?
8:18 pm
Doh, I must definitely be getting tired !
8:20 pm
I only have 5 d's an 1 f, not going to be able to get near the total I'm afraid, out of time !
8:21 pm
omg, 560. never thought of the reptile.
8:22 pm
f's are easy...american car for one pluralize american car for 2 and then an army base
8:22 pm
4 words....
8:22 pm
I think I got them all... 55 words 4.40 560
8:22 pm
re f's: how do you cross a river/what car company makes mustangs and tauruses?
8:23 pm
good job red....
8:23 pm
i need 2 t4's and 2 5t's
8:24 pm
the 3 5's i've got 2 are plurals of 4's and the other is a past tense
8:24 pm
oops was talking about t's
8:26 pm
got another 4 need 1 and 2 5's
8:27 pm
make that 2 t's without definitions now onto the 2 3's
8:27 pm
My totals for T4: 6 7 6 4 4 7 4 5 4 and T5: 14 10 12 12 16...
8:27 pm
another 5 is a past tense, but with just one more letter.
what are you numbers in order for the t's?
8:28 pm
red missing 10 and first 12 (t's)
8:31 pm
only missing the 10 now
8:34 pm
similar to fortune-telling cards
8:36 pm
DING DING DING we have a winner
<shuffling cue cards> I'd like to thank the academy as well as all the person's on the Babble board....lol
SCHWING SCHWING....55/4.40/560
8:36 pm
Now i just have to wait for the kid to get up...sigh
8:39 pm
Well done lucky you Tol & red, shame I cant finish, I' m way behind you and I have to get up early tomorrow -- make that today !
8:45 pm
i was just wondering if you needed any more clues before i closed this window, too!
at least you have your priorities straight - enough sleep is usually underrated anymore.
8:45 pm
hehe...i agree you sure dim?
8:57 pm
Guess everyone's gone...have a good night babblers..
9:01 pm
one las d perhaps if you have not gone already ? It's so hard to leave now I am so close....
9:10 pm
d's are:
5, 36, 8, 27, 8, 5, 30, 8, 8
9:11 pm
Well I only have 7, 5 36 8 8 5 8 8 8
9:13 pm
The 27 & 30 are 6s, with clues previously, but some more:
27 = the person who prescribes for you
30 = he who is the least wet
9:13 pm
who writes prescriptions
9:13 pm
looks like I need a 27 one at least....
9:14 pm
I'm missing one of the last two 8's
9:15 pm
Thanks a lot, s'funny how you can stare and stare and still not see something easy....
9:18 pm
One of the last 2 8s is related to the last 6-letter D. The other last 8-pointer has to do with coloring things.
9:19 pm
Nearly there ! Ithink I need 1 r, 2 s, and poss 1 v
9:20 pm
Anyone else need any help ?
9:20 pm
Thanks! I'm finally done!
9:21 pm
I feel like a DORC 'cause I can't QUET DYS puzzle. It's a MES. I MST have TRYED MNS of combinations, but only SE SMA words.
9:21 pm
like the fun stuff people did with their shirts in the 60's and 70's.
9:25 pm
r: 5, 4, 4, 7
s: 16, 9, 5
v: 7, 7, 16, 7
which ones do you need?
9:28 pm
an r4, s 5, v 7 I have the r which one learns by..., and Ive tried all the v anagrams I can think of
9:30 pm
ooh - just found the d for 36 - I can go to bed happy
9:30 pm
The other R 4 - change the last letter from the first R 4.
The V, take a vessel for cut flowers and change the last letter.
9:35 pm
the s: move theses letters around - what you do when maiingl stuff.
9:35 pm
found the r thanks, the v If it means huge Ive got that one,
9:37 pm
dimwit - start with that one, and change the last letter.
9:42 pm
I must make myself try all combinations even if they look daft, thanks Jim_mi - still cannot work out the mailing one though, as it isnt send or stamps, brain is seizing up now. Still I am up to 53 at last!
9:44 pm
Do you have the 4 letter S for 9 points? If so, start with the same S and the 4 letter word, which is an anagram of the mailing synonym, nests nicely within the S for 9.
9:45 pm
What D's do you have (points)?
9:47 pm
See 4t8's 9:10 post for d's.
9:56 pm
S'no good cannot see pattern that will make 5 points. It's nearly dawn here, will have to give up - so near so far ! . Thanks for all your help. It's still a learning experience !
9:58 pm
What will make 5 points is 3 1-point letters + 1 2-point letter. There is only 1 set of 4 letters that will add up to that in the lower left corner of the grid. ;)
9:59 pm
Ooh, got it as I wrote the last bit !
10:02 pm
I was fixed on sedr.... Still one word to go. So far I have 1xa, 9xc, 9xd, 3xf, 3xm, 2xn, 1x o, 4xr, 3xs, 14xt, 4xv, 1xy, unless I have miscounted.
10:08 pm
most of these words are pretend. just jumbles of letters masquerading as coherent definable terms. particularly those dumb "t" words.
10:09 pm
jim_mi I checked your list from earlier, so I must have missed a t - I have 6,7,8,14,4,10,4,7,4,12,5,4,16,27
10:12 pm
There's only 2 that have no meaning. I know the other ts, although one is really shortened - it should be tava, which is a type of Indian griddle. I get your point though.Can anyone help with the last t word please ? Thank I can get some sleep !
10:14 pm
i get 5 no-definitions on the t's i found. try typing in random letters for the last one.
10:15 pm
is this a bad puzzle? i just wanna know if i should start or not....
10:19 pm
top t or bottom t ? Ive exhausted all the randoms I could think of hours ago!
10:20 pm
read the log ryan, see what you think then.....
10:23 pm
i just looked up the def of what yer missing, dimwit, and it's archaic. it's a top t.
10:28 pm
You're missing a t for 12, 5 letters. It is actually a 4-letter T for 5 with 1 letter on the end, and the 5 letter word has the same meaning as the 4. They are both the past tense form of a verb, but the 5 letter is not in use today.
10:31 pm
I take it this is not the carried word ?
10:47 pm
correct. it's similar to the horse gait one, though.
10:48 pm
Ryan this puzzle has very few words