12:39 am
BabbleStats (run for the hills!!)
9 - 4
8 - 9
7 - 28
6 - 68
5 - 118
4 - 154
total: 381
A - 17
B - 49
D - 41
E - 15
i - 11
M - 13
N - 9
O - 11
P - 31
R - 39
S - 80
T - 56
V - 9
I have saved the list and I am happy to post some breakdowns of the bigger letters... would ike suggestions about how to do it without giving away too much information - first two letters? Word length? What's your preference?
1:05 am
I found some! Three of the four nine-letter words are related.
2:57 am
the first two lettes would be nice
5:15 am
381????? eeeeep
*80* Ss?????? eeeeeeeeeeeep
5:49 am
Atalante - that is very similar to what I thought... I figured if I get the Vs, Ts, and Ss (which will be 145) I'll be happy..... But actually almost all the S words are in family groups so once you see one you are likely to get quite a few....
134 words 4.91 1778
7:16 am
i think the most helpful at first would be a breakdown by word length...at least for me. :)
10:09 am
OK *rolls up sleeves* I'll give this a go ...
10:16 am
I've rolled up my sleeves and given it a first go. It's not a bad first go, but completing this puzzle seems near impossible. Did find all the Vs though! That's my only completed letter so far.
And no 9s. 2 8s and 13 7s though, with 278/3418 so far. All clues welcome at this point! I'll put some together for what I have in a few minutes.
10:22 am
Good morning everyone! I'll post word lengths for S's and T's...
10:25 am
Its 16-24pm in Manchester
10:26 am
im trying to work on the harder letters first, but i think the prospect of so many words is actually causing me to find less than usual!
10:26 am
It's 8:30 in the morning for me here in California.
8 - 1
7 - 5
6 - 16
5 - 28
4 - 30
8 - 1
7 - 4
6 - 8
5 - 19
4 - 24
10:29 am
I know same here
10:36 am
A couple of 8s and a few 7s so far:
8-45 D - givers
8-55 P - preached
7-40 A - caused to stop
7-44 D - lowered in quality or value
7-40 D - lowers in quality or value
7-32 D - most thick or heavy
7-36 D - gave
7-32 D - gives
7-32 D - giver
7-40 R - gave back money
7-36 R - a means by which money is given back (plural)
7-40 S - impaled for cooking
7-32 S - a person on his feet
7-32 T - proceeded rapidly
7-40 V - most expansive
10:43 am
P/7/44 - hobby
P/8/55 - hobbies
10:45 am
P/7/40 - caters to the lower tastes and desires of others
10:53 am
P8/60: activities that occupies one's spare time pleasantly
10:56 am
Except for the point difference, the P8/60 and P8/55 seem the same.. are the related?
10:56 am
My bad - I copied wrong. It's 60 points, not 55.
10:59 am
dang, i actually thought i had one you guys didnt...hehe
11:06 am
testing: could the D7/40 and D7/44 you have also be defined as "To engage in argument by discussing opposing points" ? (just wanna make sure i am crossing off the right words)
11:07 am
I can add:
D7-44 and D7-40 - to deliberate or engage in argument
S7-40 1) spawned or 2) quarreled with
R8-55 to revive or restore
this 8-55 is a combo with three of the 9's!
11:08 am
evanadine: they're two separate pairs of words, really close in spelling
11:10 am
okie dokie...i didnt think testings clue was an alternate meaning, but i wanted to make sure. :)
11:11 am
S8 - 50
S7 - 36
S7 - 40 A form of boxing
The S8 is a plural of the S7 36, it either has something to do with acid or is an odd spelling of a desert :)
11:17 am
Taglos - I think you mean "dessert" in your last clue. ;) Good word though!
11:32 am
gah, I always do that :) Sooner or later I'm going to get a big plate of sand after dinner!
11:36 am
Or go trekking though some chocolate mousse on camel back! :-D
11:39 am
mmm..mousse... gotta put a cake in the oven before this day turns totally unproductive!
7-36R - that stiff wire collar thing you always see on dresses of Queen Elizabeth I.
11:40 am
cant figure out any of taglos' last round of clues...and still working on the S7/40 from before..."impaled for cooking" got all the rest so far though! i dont think ive ever found this many words in a puzzle before...hehe
11:41 am
any clues for the dessert please
11:45 am
As jlm_mi taught me, chemistry words usually end in -ite, -ate -ose (sugars) -ase etc. That's how I found the "dessert" word.
11:57 am
It's an acid, not a dessert in reality. But it does look like a dessert, so the funny clue makes sense, but more after the fact. :)
It's an acid that you've likely seen on food packaging if you are an ingredient list reader like me. Maybe that's why it's easier for me to find the chemical words! :)
12:09 pm
ahh, got it...hehe...now im hungry for the lime flavor!
12:21 pm
Hopefully I won't confuse as many this time :)
T7/40 - Played on a little drum.
T8/50 - A small, shallow drum
The T8 adds an additional letter to the T7/36. I think it's related to an instrumet we'd be more familiar with. While being a drum of sorts it has jingling discs in the rim.
12:24 pm
Well, haven't found those drum words yet, but they got me thinking drums and I found a T/7/44. It's singular of a drum you typically hear in plural form. A kettle drum.
1:17 pm
Oooh - You can almost make tsetse. :)
1:39 pm
which means you can almost make testes...haha
1:43 pm
Got the drum words! I had the T5/14 related already, took me a bit to realize the rest were there.
1:44 pm
evanadine - Think more singular. ;)
1:45 pm
I want to make oneder. You know, the one-hit "One-ders" from "That Thing You Do". LOL!
1:51 pm
BA - 23
BE - 3
BO - 13
BR - 10
DE - 16
DO - 25
SA - 21
SE - 6
Si - 7
SN - 3
SO - 14
SP - 16
ST - 13
TA - 13
TE - 10
Ti - 5
TO - 20
TR - 8
1:55 pm
Krys10 - I think I love you! :-D
1:56 pm
My goodness, that's nice to hear!
1:57 pm
Thanks Krys! The first two letters should make tracking down the couple of S and R words I'm missing easier :)
2:01 pm
cant find the drums and I am missing a 9, I have 3R9s a clue for missing one would be helpful. Thanks
2:04 pm
I don't know if anyone's found the last nine yet. No posts that I remember.
2:19 pm
I think we've suffered long enough:
9 (i, rx3)
8 (dx2, ix2, px2, r, s, t)
7 (a, b, dx8, ix2, m, px2, rx3, sx5, tx4, v)
2:21 pm
Re4 x 4, Re5 x 1, Re6 x 5, Re7 x 3, Re8 x 1, Re9 x 3
Ro4 x 10, Ro5 x 8, Ro6 x 4
2:24 pm
Doh - I had a BA6 all along that I didn't pluralize. So that makes the BA7 for 40 points. It refers to people who have formed a group together. Or it could also be someone who adds decorations to hats and cigars. ;)
2:32 pm
Found 3 (related) of the big i words.
i/7/44 - to paint by applying thick layers of pigment
i/8/65 - did the above painting
i/8/60 - does the above painting
2:35 pm
7/36/M - cell division process
2:35 pm
Actually, that should read "cell division processes".
2:35 pm
the other seven and the nine i words are the same meaning, different (italian) spelling.
2:54 pm
D/8/60 - Tough to give a meaning without using the word. To remove from something (past tense). A form of it's opposite would be used to describe paper towels. With a D/6/27.
3:00 pm
interesting found a p 8
3:04 pm
4t8 - I think all the 7s, 8s and 9s have now been hinted at in the log, all with meanings and points, I believe.
3:56 pm
Having trouble finding the D8
3:59 pm
people who give away things
4:01 pm
Is there another D8
4:34 pm
Missing an A if anyone can help.
AB4x2, AB5x2, AB6, AB7
AI4, AI5
AP4, AP5, AP6
AS4, AS5
4:41 pm
@Treble99 There are 2 D8 words, check these two posts for the clues.
03:59 pm
02:54 pm
5:01 pm
was an Ab4.
Yikes that took awhile, my brain is fried.
381 words 5.03 5898