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View Word List Thursday, December 9, 2004


5898 Ricey
5898 Taglos
5898 Karin
5898 saamite
5850 ewenme
5720 testing
5629 cathycal
5603 butterfly
5568 marigold
5355 onyx
5081 periwinkle
4980 Krys10
4160 iluvtigs
4029 MammaJill
3938 alimaya
3907 Treble99
3879 eddie
3867 jan
3475 Wendrie
3365 Lains
3330 Achates
3307 rachels_ratty
3247 baggo
3184 minette
3079 shutterbug
3003 EvaNadine
2978 svejk
2915 sally
2915 parsec
2741 Atalante
2705 dspike
2694 bebelua
2625 krysia
2602 Egregious Jones
2498 pam
2339 fancy
2238 a1axelady
2221 rightmoon
2164 ansalon
2107 granadan
2012 erindee
1920 a1axmama
1907 Fia
1898 cle
1797 incender
1685 Serenade
1677 jennyb
1622 smoove
1594 gcmgolfnut
1576 SummerBreeze44
1532 putrid
1496 undermom
1470 Jumpy Girl
1470 Shona
1377 busymom
1239 fixitfmly
1195 pennypooh
1155 Robbo
1136 Valerie
1074 KAMS
1037 manand
1034 Sté
1004 Cindy
930 kthdsn
884 vido1970
822 Bash
724 Matthew
704 tset
690 Melheart1
690 dnlowrance
654 blue-eyes
635 KateSully
618 AndrewW
568 dreamnuvparadise
534 kkkkatie
531 angeelu
501 Xinyi
420 4t8
388 The Divine Miss
375 ro_man99
349 carolecs
345 vaughne
319 fifi
307 Donkey
179 Bob
143 Treeshar
139 Ciel
132 kcbabble
120 Neliamne
53 mango
23 Hargitt
14 kelly


12:39 am

BabbleStats (run for the hills!!)

9 - 4
8 - 9
7 - 28
6 - 68
5 - 118
4 - 154
total: 381
A - 17
B - 49
D - 41
E - 15
i - 11
M - 13
N - 9
O - 11
P - 31
R - 39
S - 80
T - 56
V - 9

I have saved the list and I am happy to post some breakdowns of the bigger letters... would ike suggestions about how to do it without giving away too much information - first two letters? Word length? What's your preference?
1:05 am

I found some! Three of the four nine-letter words are related.
2:57 am

the first two lettes would be nice
5:15 am

381????? eeeeep
*80* Ss?????? eeeeeeeeeeeep
5:49 am

Atalante - that is very similar to what I thought... I figured if I get the Vs, Ts, and Ss (which will be 145) I'll be happy..... But actually almost all the S words are in family groups so once you see one you are likely to get quite a few....
134 words 4.91 1778
7:16 am

i think the most helpful at first would be a breakdown by word least for me. :)
10:09 am

OK *rolls up sleeves* I'll give this a go ...
10:16 am

I've rolled up my sleeves and given it a first go. It's not a bad first go, but completing this puzzle seems near impossible. Did find all the Vs though! That's my only completed letter so far.

And no 9s. 2 8s and 13 7s though, with 278/3418 so far. All clues welcome at this point! I'll put some together for what I have in a few minutes.
10:22 am

Good morning everyone! I'll post word lengths for S's and T's...
10:25 am

Its 16-24pm in Manchester
10:26 am

im trying to work on the harder letters first, but i think the prospect of so many words is actually causing me to find less than usual!
10:26 am

It's 8:30 in the morning for me here in California.

8 - 1
7 - 5
6 - 16
5 - 28
4 - 30

8 - 1
7 - 4
6 - 8
5 - 19
4 - 24
10:29 am

I know same here
10:36 am

A couple of 8s and a few 7s so far:

8-45 D - givers
8-55 P - preached

7-40 A - caused to stop
7-44 D - lowered in quality or value
7-40 D - lowers in quality or value
7-32 D - most thick or heavy
7-36 D - gave
7-32 D - gives
7-32 D - giver
7-40 R - gave back money
7-36 R - a means by which money is given back (plural)
7-40 S - impaled for cooking
7-32 S - a person on his feet
7-32 T - proceeded rapidly
7-40 V - most expansive
10:43 am

P/7/44 - hobby
P/8/55 - hobbies
10:45 am

P/7/40 - caters to the lower tastes and desires of others
10:53 am

P8/60: activities that occupies one's spare time pleasantly
10:56 am

Except for the point difference, the P8/60 and P8/55 seem the same.. are the related?
10:56 am

My bad - I copied wrong. It's 60 points, not 55.
10:59 am

dang, i actually thought i had one you guys didnt...hehe
11:06 am

testing: could the D7/40 and D7/44 you have also be defined as "To engage in argument by discussing opposing points" ? (just wanna make sure i am crossing off the right words)
11:07 am

I can add:
D7-44 and D7-40 - to deliberate or engage in argument
S7-40 1) spawned or 2) quarreled with
R8-55 to revive or restore
this 8-55 is a combo with three of the 9's!
11:08 am

evanadine: they're two separate pairs of words, really close in spelling
11:10 am

okie dokie...i didnt think testings clue was an alternate meaning, but i wanted to make sure. :)
11:11 am

S8 - 50
S7 - 36
S7 - 40 A form of boxing

The S8 is a plural of the S7 36, it either has something to do with acid or is an odd spelling of a desert :)
11:17 am

Taglos - I think you mean "dessert" in your last clue. ;) Good word though!
11:32 am

gah, I always do that :) Sooner or later I'm going to get a big plate of sand after dinner!
11:36 am

Or go trekking though some chocolate mousse on camel back! :-D
11:39 am

mmm..mousse... gotta put a cake in the oven before this day turns totally unproductive!

7-36R - that stiff wire collar thing you always see on dresses of Queen Elizabeth I.
11:40 am

cant figure out any of taglos' last round of clues...and still working on the S7/40 from before..."impaled for cooking" got all the rest so far though! i dont think ive ever found this many words in a puzzle before...hehe
11:41 am

any clues for the dessert please
11:45 am

As jlm_mi taught me, chemistry words usually end in -ite, -ate -ose (sugars) -ase etc. That's how I found the "dessert" word.
11:57 am

It's an acid, not a dessert in reality. But it does look like a dessert, so the funny clue makes sense, but more after the fact. :)

It's an acid that you've likely seen on food packaging if you are an ingredient list reader like me. Maybe that's why it's easier for me to find the chemical words! :)
12:09 pm

ahh, got im hungry for the lime flavor!
12:21 pm

Hopefully I won't confuse as many this time :)

T7/40 - Played on a little drum.
T8/50 - A small, shallow drum

The T8 adds an additional letter to the T7/36. I think it's related to an instrumet we'd be more familiar with. While being a drum of sorts it has jingling discs in the rim.
12:24 pm

Well, haven't found those drum words yet, but they got me thinking drums and I found a T/7/44. It's singular of a drum you typically hear in plural form. A kettle drum.
1:17 pm

Oooh - You can almost make tsetse. :)
1:39 pm

which means you can almost make testes...haha
1:43 pm

Got the drum words! I had the T5/14 related already, took me a bit to realize the rest were there.
1:44 pm

evanadine - Think more singular. ;)
1:45 pm

I want to make oneder. You know, the one-hit "One-ders" from "That Thing You Do". LOL!
1:51 pm

BA - 23
BE - 3
BO - 13
BR - 10

DE - 16
DO - 25

SA - 21
SE - 6
Si - 7
SN - 3
SO - 14
SP - 16
ST - 13

TA - 13
TE - 10
Ti - 5
TO - 20
TR - 8
1:55 pm

Krys10 - I think I love you! :-D
1:56 pm

My goodness, that's nice to hear!
1:57 pm

Thanks Krys! The first two letters should make tracking down the couple of S and R words I'm missing easier :)
2:01 pm

cant find the drums and I am missing a 9, I have 3R9s a clue for missing one would be helpful. Thanks
2:04 pm

I don't know if anyone's found the last nine yet. No posts that I remember.
2:19 pm

I think we've suffered long enough:
9 (i, rx3)
8 (dx2, ix2, px2, r, s, t)
7 (a, b, dx8, ix2, m, px2, rx3, sx5, tx4, v)
2:21 pm

Re4 x 4, Re5 x 1, Re6 x 5, Re7 x 3, Re8 x 1, Re9 x 3

Ro4 x 10, Ro5 x 8, Ro6 x 4
2:24 pm

Doh - I had a BA6 all along that I didn't pluralize. So that makes the BA7 for 40 points. It refers to people who have formed a group together. Or it could also be someone who adds decorations to hats and cigars. ;)
2:32 pm

Found 3 (related) of the big i words.

i/7/44 - to paint by applying thick layers of pigment
i/8/65 - did the above painting
i/8/60 - does the above painting
2:35 pm

7/36/M - cell division process
2:35 pm

Actually, that should read "cell division processes".
2:35 pm

the other seven and the nine i words are the same meaning, different (italian) spelling.
2:54 pm

D/8/60 - Tough to give a meaning without using the word. To remove from something (past tense). A form of it's opposite would be used to describe paper towels. With a D/6/27.
3:00 pm

interesting found a p 8
3:04 pm

4t8 - I think all the 7s, 8s and 9s have now been hinted at in the log, all with meanings and points, I believe.
3:56 pm

Having trouble finding the D8
3:59 pm

people who give away things
4:01 pm

4:01 pm

Is there another D8
4:34 pm

Missing an A if anyone can help.
AB4x2, AB5x2, AB6, AB7
AI4, AI5
AP4, AP5, AP6
AS4, AS5
4:41 pm

@Treble99 There are 2 D8 words, check these two posts for the clues.
03:59 pm
02:54 pm
5:01 pm

was an Ab4.

Yikes that took awhile, my brain is fried.
381 words 5.03 5898