12:05 am
re6 x 2
12:18 am
Clues are up
12:23 am
tx freep that was my last 6
12:23 am
yw. mine too
12:41 am
12:41 am
me too!
12:42 am
(my last three, which I spent a long time on cuz I could not find them, were... plurals :-()
1:04 am
fw! the of word was my last. heard it once in New Orleans.
1:07 am
g'night all
1:13 am
re6/18''''clue please
1:15 am
Re close
1:16 am
As in close an envelope
1:18 am
4:00 am
cannot find the se6 or sh6...hmmph
4:05 am
SE6 - where dirty water goes. SH6, nasty drops (or pantyhoses)
5:43 am
As much as I love a good pair of nylons, I always think of the sh6 as the see through curtains that go in between drapes. : D
6:11 am
14 left for this afternoon...
6:33 am
Tx Matty
7:01 am
No, I won't be back this afternoon...FW! See you all tomorrow.
7:01 am
hokie carla
hi & bye, bea, did you find the last 14? down to 16 here.
7:03 am
hokie carla
haven't been able to find that one yet
7:03 am
Builds on the ru 4 6
7:04 am
hokie carla
thx, was trying to do that but didn't expect that ending. frat related?
7:04 am
hokie carla
yep, appears so
7:04 am
lOL, got it - ha ha
7:04 am
Yes... I just looked it up ... not familiar with the frat world here in the UK
7:07 am
OMG, FIREWORKS - yaya yayayayay - I get Firewworks like 3 x a year ha ha ha whoop
7:07 am
Way to go!
7:07 am
congrats Sugrra!
7:07 am
anyone need help? look at me offering help ha ha ha
7:07 am
I need the second U word.
7:08 am
hokie carla
well done on the fireworks
7:08 am
I have the us 4/5
7:08 am
I have an ok4 from the top row, looking for the other 2 from there
7:08 am
plural of the first u word
7:08 am
Omg...coffee here, please!
7:08 am
hokie carla
that s up there has caused me a lot of problems this am
7:09 am
hokie carla
same boat as you, dan, with the upper o
7:09 am
the other 2 o words are ok4 and ok5 - hmm, how about ok+the 6th letter of the alphabet = and plural for the 5 ?
7:10 am
OMG - the 8th letter of the alphabet -
7:10 am
hokie carla
lol, I kept trying to make it work with an f. we've had that before, wish I could rem. stuff.
7:11 am
LOL - good day all, stay safe :)
7:11 am
hokie carla
thx, you too
7:11 am
you too
7:13 am
5 left...all 4 letter words
7:13 am
Well, I'm happy with getting 60 words.
7:14 am
hokie carla
I have 5 4's left as well, but also 5 5's
7:16 am
7:16 am
hokie carla
well done
7:16 am
hokie carla
I am still on 10 :D
7:19 am
Congrats, car!
7:23 am
hokie carla
made it to 4. where are these words?
7:26 am
hokie carla
1 left!
7:27 am
hokie carla
finished sans list!! thanks to all cluers. now I'm going to be productive today after yesterday. :D
7:27 am
that S is just laughing at me
7:29 am
hokie carla
I needed a fortune teller for the last 2
7:39 am
can anyone clue the last re pls? re 5/12
7:40 am
utilize again?
7:41 am
(and thank you, that was my last R, lol)
7:47 am
I tried okht but it isn't accepted. What am I missing?
7:47 am
Friday greetings, Babblonians.
7:47 am
hello Judi, and everyone else
7:54 am
th5 smaller grids trick me every time! Lure me in with a promise of a quick game, but then - WHAM - gridlock
7:54 am
*Slaps Judi a Friday high five
7:55 am
*slaps back* Hiya, Molls!
8:04 am
I love 4 day work weeks. I think they should all be this short.
8:05 am
Amen to that. Permanent Mondays off.
8:06 am
The world would be a kinder, gentler place.
8:09 am
took me forever to even notice the th6/30
8:09 am
And I haven't even finished my coffee yet.
8:11 am
Who remembers Laffy Taffy? The candy, not the stupid D4L video.
8:26 am
banana Laffy Taffy...but I liked the chocolate
8:32 am
IIt is amazing the kinds of candy they could get us 60's kids to eat. Candy necklaces, wax lips, sugar syrup in wax bottles.
8:37 am
those were great times...:D
8:41 am
Loved wax lips!!
8:41 am
Back when 50 cents could get you a lot of candy.
8:42 am
Every 4th of July we were given .50 to spend on what we wanted...we would end up with a small sack full of candy!
8:43 am
Back then, gas was 31 cents a gallon. People would pull into the gas station and ask for a dollars worth.
8:45 am
I did that. One time the attendant was busy flirting with me and forgot to turn off the pump lol
8:49 am
I can't remember the last time I saw a gas station attendant.
8:49 am
They still have them in New Jersey and Oregon. No self pumping in those states
8:51 am
8:57 am
time for work left the last twelve s's till later
9:20 am
Good morning all!
9:20 am
Any clues for the o's please?
9:21 am
Just got ok 4/8 and ow 4/9
9:24 am
oops, sorry!
9:29 am
i am not getting ow 4 9..........there must be a u but i tried all combos i could think of. hmmm
9:30 am
Sorry, my bad, its ow 4/8
9:30 am
too many typos today, need more coffee :)
9:30 am
ok got that one. ty
9:34 am
Morning all
9:40 am
Good morning
9:41 am
any clues for the 6s?
9:43 am
i cant see any sixes...darn. clues welcome with stats. ty ty ty
9:44 am
r6 - someone who gets run at perhaps
9:45 am
s6 - transparent or near so as it relates to fabric
9:45 am
r6 - to close again
9:45 am
r6 to film again
9:45 am
r6 to look for again
9:46 am
still have 2 left
9:48 am
ty! got 4 of them! ty so much!
9:48 am
no problem
9:48 am
dont get the r 6 someone who gets run at......is it ru or re?
9:49 am
yeah, that's not a common word
9:49 am
i assume it is the ru 4 plus two more but not getting correct last 2
9:51 am
t6 - robberies
9:52 am
robberies? what is second letter? ty
9:52 am
ok got it! ty. missed the plural.
9:53 am
yeah, goes the other way
9:53 am
have 5 words left, four of them are 4lw
9:54 am
last 6: what waste goes into + plural.
9:55 am
3 to go
10:02 am
2 to go
10:02 am
duh, I was thinking of needle and thread, not the drain
10:03 am
well that was a quickie
10:18 am
Hi all, looking for the second o from the bottom, I have ow 4/8. What is the other?
10:29 am
72 Temple Owl
ironic, in light of yesterday's topic of chog discussion.
10:34 am
I was thinking about an all day tirade about that word, but I'll pass. : D
10:43 am
TY gillie!
10:43 am
not getting the clue to film again re6
10:43 am
hi all
10:43 am
very humid here
10:44 am
past tense of to film a scene again in a movie
10:44 am
ty got it
10:57 am
Or to fire a gun again, past tense
11:45 am
I am too sloppy in the chat today, apologies, signing off now
11:57 am
se 5/18, pls
11:59 am
Another very beautiful day in the Center of the Multiverse. We are getting the "band" back together. Our double piano quartet is playing on this coming Tuesday. I must go practice. They will not be impressed by my ability to find words on a grid (it is not impressive to me, either.)
11:59 am
hi stid...
12:00 pm
bichon, one who stitches things....
12:00 pm
Hi penquis! So good to see folks enjoying conversation on this Chog.
12:00 pm
yw...don't forget the pl....
12:15 pm
i am done....heading out....
12:15 pm
bye all....
12:32 pm
hello everyone
12:47 pm
one more and i haven't clued or listed yet!
1:05 pm
I have ow4/8 from the bottom row, can i have just the stats for the other one from that O? I don't need a clue for the word
1:09 pm
ty Molly got it!
1:09 pm
and total points today?
1:09 pm
Just The Stats, Sir...Babble Dragnet
1:15 pm
hokie carla
I am not familiar with that of word
1:15 pm
hokie carla
total points today is 988
1:27 pm
Here is a little blurb about the of4. (Not to start a big thing like yesterday, it's just interesting)
1:28 pm
I don't know much, but I know I don't want any backwoods Louisiana curses coming my way.
1:31 pm
hokie carla
hmm, got an error msg from that tiny url
1:35 pm
Wow, now this place is sticking the \n into tiny
urls too. Try: tinyurl.com/y8a5ye8z
1:40 pm
hokie carla
that is interesting. I'm curious which part of VA he heard that.
1:42 pm
hokie carla
well, I groomed my dog and cleaned the house today. making headway on my to-do list.
1:49 pm
Looks like Maryland is slowly re-opening. Salons and outdoor pools are opening. Yay for both. Now to see when I can get a pedicure appointment.
1:50 pm
hokie carla
my son still won't let me cut his hair
1:51 pm
hokie carla
I do enjoy pedicures but my germaphobia interferes with that enjoyment during good times
1:52 pm
stats for center single E pls
2:14 pm
Kaplan the Magne
I don't know if yesterday was a "big thing" or a teachable moment. It ended well.
2:15 pm
Kaplan the Magne
I am in desperate need of some hair taming.
2:17 pm
Kaplan the Magne
I would worry about outdoor pools. There is going to be a second wave of the pandemic, and I might self-quarantine again for 2 weeks after I get a hair appointment. I do not want to go through what I went through again, or put anyone else through it, and I have no idea about antibodies.
2:20 pm
Kaplan the Magne
We're still waiting on our local mayor, who is prudent, and rightfully so
2:33 pm
Just got my hair cut today. Now I am feeling light-headed.
2:33 pm
Hello all--I see that Babble is an equal opportunity user of racial/ethnic slang... enough said
2:34 pm
our outdoor pool has decided to open. They changed the entrance to avoid a bottleneck. They have a couple of outdoor showers. Locker rooms are for changing and bathrooms only. Lockers and other cubbies for clothing are not allowed. People need to bring a bag and keep their clothes with them. Max of 50 people in the pool. They are encouraging people to change at home if possible. It think it will work.
2:34 pm
found a sea mammal
2:43 pm
And fireworks.
2:45 pm
any tips for the k?
2:45 pm
Kaplan the Magne
The of4 is not widely known
2:48 pm
Kaplan the Magne
I butchered the back layers of my hair last month so I might as well wait till it's long enough to match where it used to be.
2:48 pm
ke4/11 for both
2:49 pm
in one use double vowel
2:49 pm
Kaplan the Magne
I don't feel safe going back to the gym yet
2:49 pm
I needed a haircut a couple of months ago and put it off. Thne they closed the barber shops.
2:50 pm
I had to do it because my hair was getting under the cords on my mask and pulling it off.
2:50 pm
The other ke is a plural
2:51 pm
I always wondered if of** was Pig Latin for "oaf"
2:52 pm
Kaplan the Magne
Me too about the gym- and I could have gotten my hair taken care of the day before I got sick
2:52 pm
Kaplan the Magne
The of4 I learned from Ethel Waters' autobiography, "His Eye is on the Sparrow."
2:53 pm
interesting-- never read that-- will put on list
2:54 pm
Kaplan the Magne
Out of print but worth it.
3:01 pm
72 Temple Owl
my doctor says to give gym a look., that they will be forced to do things very differently, as of now, i plan to return on 1 August. he is more concerned about concerts ,restaurants and religious observances.
3:02 pm
Kaplan the Magne
I know that the gym is implementing new procedures. I am looking forward to my dance class. My drawing group--I don't know if we can maintain social distancing.
3:04 pm
72 Temple Owl
this thing has killed the dance scene. social dance, that is.
3:04 pm
Kaplan the Magne
I never got advice about what to do since I was in the hospital for 3 days in March for pneumonia and "presumptive COVID" (tests were negative, symptoms were positive. )
3:04 pm
72 Temple Owl
my social life is dead dead dead till the vaccine.
3:05 pm
Kaplan the Magne
I do a modern dance class for over 55s in Cambridge. There are some hardy ladies in there.
3:05 pm
72 Temple Owl
the story of symptoms with negative tests is not uncommon.
3:06 pm
72 Temple Owl
i do daytime classes at the y and there is a large contingent of silver sneakers folks there. cannot rely on them to do the right thingl some barely know what end is up.
3:06 pm
72 Temple Owl
not being mean. giving a real picture of what's what.
3:07 pm
72 Temple Owl
i will be there some day, but not yet.
3:07 pm
Kaplan the Magne
I fainted on the floor bruising my face the day after the ER refused to test me because my fever wasn't high enough, so the day after there I was in an isolation unit. It was horrible. I spent the month of April in bed.
3:07 pm
72 Temple Owl
i read your story, kap. awful.
3:08 pm
72 Temple Owl
damn it, my f words keep disappearing.
3:08 pm
72 Temple Owl
no wonder this grid seems endless.
3:08 pm
Kaplan the Magne
I like telling it. It's my Feel Bad for My Trauma story. I'm just kidding. I don't like telling it, because it reminds me how scary it was.
3:10 pm
72 Temple Owl
i wa hospitalized once. what saved me was my ignorance of how serious it could have been. i hear you.
3:12 pm
72 Temple Owl
how's your strength now?
3:12 pm
Kaplan the Magne
It's the third time in my life that my life was in danger without me fully knowing it. The last time was when my blood pressure spiked overnight and I had to deliver my daughter prematurely or we both would have died. All I thought of when I got stomach pains was that I had a stomach ache, not that I needed to get to the hospital STAT.
3:12 pm
72 Temple Owl
3:13 pm
Kaplan the Magne
I'm fine now, but lazy. I usually only go out for specific things and those things are closed,
3:13 pm
Kaplan the Magne
As for the birth story, it's been 25 years and mother and baby are doing well.
3:13 pm
72 Temple Owl
i had a hemoglobin of 8. that's transfusion territory. i called my brother to tell him i was on the way to hospital- driving myself- and SIL said i sounded so wek she thoght i was dying.
3:15 pm
72 Temple Owl
man, monkeys working overtime.
3:16 pm
Kaplan the Magne
Hospitals are so uncomfortable. And no one could visit me, so I coughed for 24 hours at a time and used my cell phone and Facebook. A friend brought me mango gelato. They went to wave at me from the parking lot. I was on the iso. unit on the 18th floor. I signed myself out before I had to endure another night there.
3:16 pm
Kaplan the Magne
It was the right decision.
3:17 pm
72 Temple Owl
i left ama my last time in the ER. it was bull to make $, this er observation that medicare will not pay
3:18 pm
72 Temple Owl
my nurse/emt friend came and sprang me. before that, i was in the observation ward for 2 hours without ANYONE coming to see me.
3:18 pm
72 Temple Owl
make $
3:18 pm
Kaplan the Magne
I tore all the little sticky electrode things off myself. Half the doctors understood that I needed to leave, that watching me one more day wouldn't do anything.
3:18 pm
72 Temple Owl
damn make MONEY
3:19 pm
72 Temple Owl
no oxygen?
3:19 pm
Kaplan the Magne
TO what a nightmare. Where are you- I forgot.
3:19 pm
72 Temple Owl
metro philly
3:19 pm
72 Temple Owl
had reaction to tramadol. it's bad medicine. even the hospitalist said so.
3:19 pm
Kaplan the Magne
IWhen I was up during the day my oxygen improved, but I am a mouth breather. So I got one of those oxytocin's pulse things.
3:20 pm
72 Temple Owl
3:20 pm
Kaplan the Magne
The antibiotics cured the bacterial pneumonia.
3:20 pm
Kaplan the Magne
Not oxytocin. Oxypulse
3:21 pm
72 Temple Owl
i got a visit by a nurse and aa doctor right quick when i took my monitor off and got dressed to leave.
3:21 pm
Kaplan the Magne
They even pumped me with the medication Trump was taking- hydrochlorazine or whatever.
3:21 pm
72 Temple Owl
really? did it seem to help?
3:22 pm
Kaplan the Magne
I grabbed my clothes, they put me in the wheelchair, my husband met me in the lobby and bye bye.
3:23 pm
72 Temple Owl
of course, by the time that was, it was after 10 PM sturady night, i had no purse, and the ambulance doesn't make return trips...
3:24 pm
72 Temple Owl
did the med help?
3:24 pm
Kaplan the Magne
Since no one confirmed that I had Covid, I think it was the ant abiotic that helped really.No definitive diagnosis, other than It Walks Like a Duck, Quacks Like a Duck.
3:25 pm
72 Temple Owl
hmm. antibiotics don't help viruses and you are too young for the pneumonia vaccine/
3:26 pm
Kaplan the Magne
I'm better now, but think I would be high risk because of the pneumonia and occasional asthma. How old do you have to be for the pneumonia vaccine, because I'm gonna get it.
3:27 pm
72 Temple Owl
recommended for 65+, but maybe for those with chronic issues, not sure. it's only for bacterial pneumonia, most are viral.
3:27 pm
Kaplan the Magne
I think the virus played out over the weeks I was in bed at home, but pneumonia knocks people out too, so who knows?
3:28 pm
72 Temple Owl
but from what i have heard, pneumonia is just awful. it wipes people out, no matter which type.
3:28 pm
Kaplan the Magne
So I'm 64, they'll definitely give it to me. I will make sure of it.
3:28 pm
Kaplan the Magne
Not going through that again.
3:28 pm
re 6/18, pls
3:28 pm
72 Temple Owl
i'd ask, especially if you ;re asthmatic
3:29 pm
I’m 53 and had pneumonia in December. My gp recommended I had the pneumonia vaccination and gave it to me in February but I am in the uk.
3:30 pm
72 Temple Owl
do you have any guilty TV pleasures? i don;t hink get smart qualitifes. I'll reveal if you will.
3:30 pm
72 Temple Owl
i hate to list with 2 left.
3:30 pm
Kaplan the Magne
OK. I haven't watched in a while, but Days of Our Lives.
3:31 pm
Kaplan the Magne
You tell.
3:31 pm
72 Temple Owl
mine is worse. 90 day fiance. and all iterations of such. *bows head in shame*
3:32 pm
Kaplan the Magne
I know a lot of people who watch housewife stuff.
3:32 pm
Marc Freeman
What are the stats for the lone 'y' in column 5, please?
3:32 pm
72 Temple Owl
i've never seen those.
3:32 pm
re 6/18, pls
3:33 pm
72 Temple Owl
3:33 pm
bichon close a letter again
3:33 pm
Marc Freeman
3:33 pm
72 Temple Owl
that's 1
3:33 pm
Kaplan the Magne
Last Nights episode of Smart was called "The Groovy Guru" and it was about how Kaos was going to control the minds of teenagers by getting them into a rock and roll dance trance.
3:34 pm
Kaplan the Magne
The stereotyped group this time was Hippies.
3:34 pm
72 Temple Owl
omg the best hippie stereotype i ever daw was in star trek. it was far out
3:35 pm
72 Temple Owl
"the way to eden"
3:36 pm
72 Temple Owl
the space hippies were dancing all hullabaloo and stuff
3:37 pm
Kaplan the Magne
This one was dumb as the Native American, Russian, German and Asian ones. I think they make fun of making fun of people. The Hippies walked around with hair like Sonny Bono saying Groovy far out and here come the fuzz,
3:37 pm
72 Temple Owl
3:38 pm
Kaplan the Magne
And Max was costumed and 99 fell into a dance trance in a psychedelic room.
3:38 pm
Kaplan the Magne
Now I have to go find that starter episode.
3:38 pm
72 Temple Owl
3:38 pm
72 Temple Owl
i hope i got the episode right.
3:39 pm
Kaplan, is Smart a tv show?
3:39 pm
Kaplan the Magne
This is why the stereotyping was so funny- because it was dumb
3:39 pm
Kaplan the Magne
Get Smart was a TV show starting in 1965
3:41 pm
I, too, grew up on the show having been born in 1956.
3:41 pm
72 Temple Owl
there was so much real tension around the cold war then, it was a relief to see it lampooned
3:42 pm
Kaplan the Magne
And everyone knew it was dumb. The only not dumb person was a woman who was not portrayed as a bimbo, agent 99, played by Barbara Feldon. Who was adorable and if I looked like her, I would wear her clothes today- chain belts, sweaters matching tights, miniskirts, and a really simple haircut with bangs- no bouffant
3:43 pm
72 Temple Owl
yes. she was the only sane one
3:43 pm
Kaplan the Magne
that's right TO. It made fun of the Cold War and made everyone ridiculous.
3:43 pm
Kaplan the Magne
I think she was, and is, adorable and smart.
3:44 pm
72 Temple Owl
real life around the bomb was awful enough. people don't realize how it changed even reagan, who was a diehard cnservative.
3:44 pm
Kaplan the Magne
Only Maxwell Smart had a name.
3:44 pm
72 Temple Owl
right, echoing the bond series.
3:44 pm
Kaplan the Magne
We hid under the desks as children to protect ourselves in case of attack. These were called shelter drills.
3:45 pm
Kaplan the Magne
Yes, and The Man From UNCLE
3:45 pm
72 Temple Owl
oh yes.
3:45 pm
72 Temple Owl
as if.
3:46 pm
Kaplan the Magne
You get the context. In yesterday's long discussion of a racist slur in the grid, I talked about Get Smart and must have sounded hypocritical. But Mel Brooks...
3:46 pm
72 Temple Owl
wow kap, do you think we had as much angst as the kids post 9-11 had, growing up? it was awfully worrisome.
3:47 pm
Kaplan the Magne
In the event of nuclear attack I was to meet my brother in the basement and walk home with him.
3:47 pm
72 Temple Owl
i mean, even today, when i hear the wailing type of fire siren, i get uneasy.
3:47 pm
72 Temple Owl
it's very visceral
3:48 pm
Kaplan the Magne
I think it's like the hospital- we didn't know enough about the missiles in Cuba (though I'm sure our mothers did)- it was just another thing you did in school
3:48 pm
Kaplan the Magne
I used to think Communists would come and force people out of their homes, but they would make a mistake and put our grandparents with us.
3:49 pm
72 Temple Owl
hell, i remember when the TWA plane crashed on the street in NYC- brooklyn?
3:49 pm
72 Temple Owl
tv was just coing into the classroom for instructional purposes.
3:50 pm
Kaplan the Magne
Oh, yeah, and all the assassinations were in my formative years. Now seeing the riots in Minnesota, I'm inclined to say we should ALL be in the streets-
3:50 pm
Kaplan the Magne
Oh yes, TV to watch John Glenn.
3:51 pm
Kaplan the Magne
I was home from school the day JFK was shot. John John and I had the same birthday, his father's funeral, only I was 8 and he was 2 or 3.
3:51 pm
72 Temple Owl
kids fixate on strange things, things that adults would not think twice about. it's interesing. kap, i abamdoned my pursuit of PHD for marriage, left the social service field so husband could go to school.
3:52 pm
72 Temple Owl
but the stuff that kids would bring up...
3:52 pm
Kaplan the Magne
I kept working on my Ph.D. for 15 years. Stupid.
3:52 pm
72 Temple Owl
needed mor $ than that type of work would provide. and hated working shifts and holidays.
3:54 pm
72 Temple Owl
not stupid. persistent.
3:54 pm
Kaplan the Magne
Oh, as a value decison, it was nothing. Intellectually it was meaningful, but it was a strange pursuit. My interests in the field are antiquated
3:54 pm
72 Temple Owl
would not mind going back for restorative justice., it interests me.
3:55 pm
72 Temple Owl
heck, i remember learnign all about the bad, cold mothers who caused autism.
3:55 pm
Kaplan the Magne
Restorative Justice is very good work.
3:55 pm
hello btw :)
3:55 pm
72 Temple Owl
i worked in a juvenile detention center.
3:55 pm
Kaplan the Magne
The schizophrenogenic mother, the refrigerator mother.
3:56 pm
72 Temple Owl
hiya ping.
3:56 pm
72 Temple Owl
exactly! and i was going to save those poor kids.
3:56 pm
Kaplan the Magne
I'm more of a social psych existentialist kind of person.
3:56 pm
72 Temple Owl
*ponders that*
3:57 pm
72 Temple Owl
i loved industrial. and also comparative and physiologial
3:57 pm
Kaplan the Magne
I do Harm Reduction work. I have an astounding ability to not make money. I also am an artist. Very lucrative.
3:57 pm
72 Temple Owl
i think the latter was my fave. may have been the teacher.
3:58 pm
but it sound like GOOD work, Kaplan
3:58 pm
72 Temple Owl
well, when you are supporting someone..there were severl opportunities i could not take becaude i could nto afford to go to a starting salary.
4:00 pm
72 Temple Owl
i am sorry to talk so much. but good to talk a bit of nostalgia.
4:02 pm
Kaplan the Magne
It's OK with me. I talked a lot yesterday and caused a lot of ruckus.
4:03 pm
72 Temple Owl
ping i forgot how much i love your avatar.
4:03 pm
it's cheerful, right?
4:03 pm
72 Temple Owl
that it is. whatup?
4:04 pm
i have started babbling again with the lockdown and am enjoying it
4:04 pm
not the lockdown, the babbling
4:05 pm
72 Temple Owl
good! it's nice to see you.
4:05 pm
72 Temple Owl
we will loosen up a week from today, not entirely, but somewhat.
4:07 pm
in terms of the lockdown?
4:08 pm
72 Temple Owl
yes. i am not quite sure about lockdown in the yellow phase. most of the guidance is bout commercial enterprise.
4:10 pm
72 Temple Owl
i go out more often in the past 10 days or so. i am fatigued.
4:10 pm
72 Temple Owl
we were locked down first, around march 15
4:10 pm
72 Temple Owl
before the rest of the state. we were the epicenter.
4:13 pm
hey, 72 Temple Owl, I am also in PA, on the western side of the state, we are going green next week but I'm still staying home.
4:14 pm
72 Temple Owl
i'll be forced to stay home. all my social life is dancing and concerts.
4:15 pm
72 Temple Owl
and i am damned cranky about it. but glad you are green. you can get A HAIRCUT
4:16 pm
I'm in TX so technically things are opening up, but those who have a choice are still hunkering. I include myself and family.
4:19 pm
72 Temple Owl
i am no longer hunkering but am staying close to home. nothing to do.
4:20 pm
72 Temple Owl
must go, lovely to talk with you kap and ping. happy babbling.
4:26 pm
SEe you later, TO
4:30 pm
Hi folks - work done for the day.
4:37 pm
Hi, y'all. I finished after the flip last night but I wanted to pop in to say how much I enjoyed the chat yesterday. I participated in the most thought provoking & intelligent conversation I've had in months and it truly lifted my heart and mood. It was so encouraging to exchange thoughts with such articulate people and I'm truly thankful to all for the experience.
4:49 pm
Marc Freeman
I have po4 and po5 what are the stats for the third 'p' please?
4:50 pm
Marc Freeman
Thanks how could I miss that.
4:52 pm
I agree weegee.. it was nice to have a discussion without someone flying off the handle and freaking out
4:52 pm
*waves to ori*
4:53 pm
Hi there, ru :D
4:58 pm
Marc Freeman
need help with the 'o's at the top of column 4. I have ok4 need the stats for the other two, please?
4:58 pm
ok4,9 and pl 5,20
4:58 pm
i only have the ok4
4:58 pm
sorry that was plural ok5,20
4:59 pm
i don't clue 4's marc sorry
4:59 pm
Marc Freeman
4:59 pm
There's two OK 4's.
4:59 pm
Marc Freeman
NP didn't need clues
5:00 pm
I am a woman without principles ru
5:00 pm
Marc Freeman
Yes one ok8 and one ok9
5:05 pm
My work here is done. See y'all.
5:06 pm
in and out ori
5:07 pm
good evening!
5:08 pm
Hey phan!
5:09 pm
And phan's beautiful doggie
5:09 pm
how are you, Nat?
5:09 pm
I miss her so much! We are trying to adopt a new dog, have an app in for a 5 month old black GSD mix, but haven't heard anything yet...
5:10 pm
I'm great, thanks! COVID sometimes opens a window as it slams other doors. Got to attend a very moving ceremony with 400 others in Israel thanks to Zoom!
5:10 pm
That's pretty cool.
5:10 pm
I grew up with a great GSD, phan. Still think about him and moon over his photos.
5:10 pm
They are awesome doggies!
5:11 pm
Good luck with adopting that pup! I love the pup stage with the giant paws and ears
5:11 pm
yes. If not this one, another one will come along...
5:12 pm
Indeed. There's so many dogs out there needing and deserving a loving family!
5:12 pm
We have a 10 year old beautiful Rottie mix. She's got PTSD from abuse in puppyhood but she's the sweetest!
5:13 pm
awww! so sorry she had a bad puppyhood
5:13 pm
As are we. They have no way to process their trauma so they just keep reliving it. But most of hte time she seems pretty contented living with us.
5:14 pm
so glad she found you.
5:14 pm
We lavish love and attention and reassurance. We're both at home (hub's retired and I work from home) so she's never abandoned.
5:15 pm
So the COVID lockdown hasn't been too radical a change - only difference for her is no more dog park visits, which she did love
5:15 pm
Anyway - hope you get your pup soon and post a pic!
5:18 pm
are the K words normal?
5:19 pm
not to me - both ke4.11
5:19 pm
thanks. Got them both.
5:55 pm
Hello to my fellow babblers! How's everyone doing today
5:55 pm
By the way,congratulations to all the finishers!Way to go
5:56 pm
Hi Min, any news on your teaching situation and the easing of the virus restrictions?
5:58 pm
Hello Molly!No news yet,but there is a lot of speculation
5:58 pm
People believe schools will open because of the need for childcare. Also think that schools will open in September
6:08 pm
There has been some talk of having alternating days/weeks here in MD
6:10 pm
can I have a clue for the FE 5?
6:12 pm
fe 5/24 is in my story today. It means less than phandmd
6:12 pm
I'm just worried about finding a summer job at this time
6:13 pm
thanks, Min. I always forget to look for your story. Heading there now...
6:17 pm
you helped with a couple words... Thanks
6:18 pm
I'm glad it helped. Let me know if U need any more help
6:24 pm
Min, I was very surprised to hear from someone here that on top of unemployment, you can get 600 a week from the government. Do you know about that?
6:30 pm
and the RE 6/21 please
6:31 pm
bot the RE6
6:32 pm
and the 5....
6:33 pm
and finished...
6:53 pm
Congratulations phandmd on your fireworks! Way to go!
6:55 pm
Yes, if you are getting unemployment you get additional money. However, I heard Mitch McConnell wants to stop that. I do not know how long people will get extra $ for
6:56 pm
I believe that U know who will have final say on that one
6:57 pm
I was just surprised to hear how much money people who are not working are getting. I was concerned about the economy. Now I am not so concerned.
7:08 pm
Hi-- just tuned in-- yes, I get $600. on top of my unemployment-- this funding supposedly goes thru July 31-- McConnell wants to block the next stimulus-- this one is in effest until July 31-- until you get a job, Min, you should file...
7:13 pm
Hello libarel!How are you doing today? Welcome to grid.
7:13 pm
Thank you for the information. Fortunately, I am able to work from home. I do not need to file for unemployment
7:44 pm
Hey Min, doing well-- & you?
7:45 pm
Oh, OK, M thought you were out of work-- good to be able to work remotely...
7:55 pm
I am doing very well libarebel. I really have no reason to complain considering what others are going through now
9:07 pm
fire works
9:57 pm
Fireworks! *~*~*~*~ My last was was wu4/9 - a rather cowardly word. Must've been hiding. No wonder it took me so long to find it!
10:05 pm
Congratulations Jacula on your fireworks!Hooray for you
10:22 pm
Thanks Min. Lovely to see you again.xx
10:23 pm
Hi Jac, congratulations.
10:23 pm
Hi origami.
10:24 pm
I'm off to bed soon, but if anyone would like any clues in the next 20 mins or so, ask away!
10:25 pm
And I thought you never slept, Jac :D
10:26 pm
Ha, ha! Yes I get my 8 hours in most times, not always at conventional times. :)
10:27 pm
Hello origami!How are you doing today? Welcome to grid
10:27 pm
Those other 16 hours a day you are on fire! All that gardening, cooking, knitting. I get worn out just thinking about it :D :D
10:28 pm
Hi Min! I'm doing well, thank you. And you? I actually finished earlier but am just popping in trying to change my icon. I never seem to be able to do it.
10:33 pm
I've mostly been making starfish and then sewing them onto a hippo's swimming shorts (yesterday) origami. I've now begun the task of sewing polka dots onto a hippo's bathing costume. :)
10:34 pm
I crocheted some potholders yesterday. Rather mundane in comparison :D
10:34 pm
I have been saving my last two since 2:30 this afternoon.
10:35 pm
I'm sure they're lovely, origami. Will check on your FB page for pics. I just wish I'd realised my hippos would be a foot long before I made 3 of 'em! roflol
10:35 pm
As always, there were some strange words in here. But it was the smaller ones that were strange to me.
10:37 pm
Min - you want to be careful about saving words to put in... my OH once put my last word in (thinking he was helping). It's a miracle I didn't kill him, but we're still together many years later and he gets it now.
10:38 pm
Oh, no! The joy of fireworks stolen from you!!
10:43 pm
Yep! But he only made that mistake once.
10:44 pm
Does anyone need any clues before I leave?
10:45 pm
Good night, Jac and Min. I am off to watch some TV. See ya.
10:46 pm
Night, Origami. Enjoy your TV.x
10:48 pm
I'm off as well now, since no clues seem to be needed. Night Min. x
11:39 pm
Is there anyone here to help me with my last two words?
11:42 pm
Okay,now I have 1 word left. Have 18 minutes to find it.
11:44 pm
I just found it. I will wait until 11:59 to enter it. Nothing like waiting until the very last minute, right? LOL!!! :=)
11:55 pm
your'e a funny one min
11:57 pm
Hello hurshy! How are you doing today? Welcome to grid
11:58 pm
Any guesses for the next grid sze? My guess is 111 words.
11:58 pm
I am finished! I have fireworks! re5/12 was my last word