12:01 am
hi everyone - ran out of time on the last one
12:07 am
Hi there Nan and Liz.
12:08 am
sa 7..hi all
12:18 am
Clues are up
12:19 am
Well, there's no sleeping around here any time soon, so Babble :D
12:23 am
W's whipped...we 7/8. nbt/nbs
12:26 am
don't forget iw 4
12:36 am
os 7 x 2
12:54 am
found them - ty diz -- relatives of donnie and marie maybe?
12:54 am
lol nan.
12:55 am
grats - don't think I'll get there tonight
2:28 am
done! night all.
3:44 am
the as5 plz
4:43 am
as5/10 ----- think of yoga :)
5:44 am
always makes me giggle when si4/5 is accepted but not tanh
6:14 am
We7 please?
6:15 am
Start like pop goes the...ends with what goes with no ifs...or buts
6:16 am
That is the 8, singular for the 7
6:18 am
6:30 am
good morning all.phone call woke me up at 6:30 am and then I managed to spill a full cup of coffee over half my laptop,mouse and coffee table. none got on me. but was quite a mess
6:30 am
peri. oh dear, i would go back to bed lol
6:30 am
oh peri! have some lovely quiet babble time!
6:31 am
Yee Gods Peri, who called you that early?
6:31 am
no I am up now
6:31 am
family member, all is well
6:32 am
The only call I have ever gotten that early from a family member was bad news. The phone ringing at that time of day scares me silly.
7:48 am
ty for the clue for the we 7/8
7:54 am
Another archaic word. Color me not surprised.
7:55 am
How were the steaks and fireworks, Molly?
7:56 am
Dinner was great and my neighbors put on the best fireworks show ever. We had a lot of fun.
8:03 am
bzz do you have fireworks every year in the area you live in?
8:03 am
They usually put them on at Kerr Lake. Not this year.
8:04 am
Now it is just the neighbors blowing stuff up and shooting off guns.
8:04 am
they did fireworks in our area for about 4 hrs
8:05 am
I don't know how many people attended though
8:05 am
my dog spent the evening terrified. Had to give him a sedtive
8:13 am
good morning everyone
8:13 am
count for the lone a middle row, please?
8:14 am
thanks - looking
8:21 am
whew! finally nbt
8:25 am
God bless everyone who makes red sauce from fresh tomatoes. What a huge pain. But they are peeled, cored, seeded and mashed.
8:26 am
Molly, im growinng tomatoes for that purpose... do you have a recipe?
8:27 am
It is a pain, Molly. That is why I seldom do it.
8:28 am
why are you going to all that work? Blanch, peel, chop up, throw in a roasting pan with a turkey carcass or bones from a roast and leave in the oven at 200F overnight (add bayleaf, oregano, s & p, etc. to taste) In the morning strain the whole mess and you are done.
8:29 am
If you are growing tomatoes in bulk for sauce, I highly recommend you invest in an electric tomato straining mill. My friend who puts up 30 jars a year from her farm tomatoes has one and it is great.
8:30 am
I did blanch, peel and mash them Nan. That is a lot of work. I make my sauce a different way, but thanks,
8:31 am
Removing the seeds from raw tomatoes is certainly a lot of work.
8:33 am
Depends on the tomato too. That is why Romas are the best for sauce,
8:33 am
un 7 please?
8:34 am
no alert, nan
8:34 am
not alert
8:35 am
agreed bea - I always used roma's with a couple of beefsteak thrown in for the flavour. That's why I always added the bones from a chicken, turkey or rib roast as well --- it was an Italian neighbour that taught me to do that.
8:36 am
ty bea *!*~*!*
8:37 am
hagd everyone - stay safe
8:39 am
I'm off to the sewing room for the day.
8:39 am
I don't like red sauce with seeds in it. So it was worth it to seed them. Easy to scoop out the seed pulp after they have been in boiling water for a short time.
8:40 am
Enjoy your sewing Bea.
9:37 am
help with A above the W pls
9:38 am
ty looking
9:39 am
I have an as5 but do not see an as6
9:46 am
9:47 am
as5 clue please
9:49 am
lots of a's
9:49 am
with consonants in between.
9:55 am
It's a yoga word Peri, if that helps
9:56 am
Sorry, not Peri, M3
9:56 am
found the ar6 6y
10:17 am
me too yay - nbt
10:21 am
36 to go. bbl!
10:33 am
any help with O? i have an oa4 and an os4 and that's it
10:33 am
hokie carla
10:33 am
hokie carla
cannot see any other possibilities
10:34 am
ok i just monkeyed an os6 sounds like donny and marie
10:35 am
Kaplan the Magne
Red boxes red boxes
10:35 am
what about the U besides the un4/5
10:36 am
change the last letter for another os7
10:37 am
thanks jess
10:38 am
ty again jess!
10:38 am
how about M? i have me4, mu4
10:39 am
oh sorry pulled a peri, nother mu4
10:39 am
and what is the 8?
10:41 am
oh i remembered it! yay thanks jess!!!
10:45 am
Only Hurshy has that one committed to memory
: D
10:45 am
hokie carla
yeah, I don't remember it. so, it is not a regular word then?
10:45 am
it's not so much committed to memory as accidentally left there in the dustbins
10:46 am
you grabbed it by the throat hursh
10:46 am
no, hokie, not normal. ends with the stuff you find at the beach.
10:46 am
hokie carla
got it, thx
10:46 am
ha ha ru good one
10:46 am
oh is that what it means ru?? ha
10:47 am
hokie carla
what about the un7? is it un + a 5 I should have?
10:47 am
it's a way that you may be caught
10:48 am
(that'd be the kind of clue you'd get for it in a crossword puzzle)
10:48 am
hokie carla
duh, thx
10:49 am
hokie carla
what about the 3rd row lone a?
10:49 am
name that proper noun! a sect of Muslims
10:49 am
that is the hindi word for yoga pose
10:49 am
hokie carla
this grid really doesn't flow for me like yesterday's
10:50 am
no wait sorry that one is the top
10:50 am
hokie carla
10:50 am
ar6, that's it
10:50 am
ding ding ding!!!
10:50 am
hokie carla
I have tried that a couple of times
10:50 am
hokie carla
got it, thx
10:50 am
it's sunny here too hokie (covering for homie)
10:51 am
hokie carla
covering? I was playing hurshy's NTPN
10:51 am
i thought ru knew that but was joking like a silly as usual lol
10:52 am
7 left! 2-2-2-1 by length
10:52 am
hokie carla
NTPN - Name That Proper Noun
10:52 am
hokie carla
still 27 left here
10:53 am
hokie carla
I don't like the d's
10:53 am
di + pale, ashen
10:53 am
hokie carla
thx, weird one but we've had it before
10:53 am
the others are all normal
10:53 am
Kaplan the Magne
Why all the red boxes?
10:53 am
Kaplan the Magne
Why all the red boxes?
10:53 am
Kaplan the Magne
Why all the red boxes?
10:54 am
perhaps you are having internet connectivity issues kap - i haven't gotten any red boxes
10:54 am
don't know
10:54 am
hokie carla
must be your internet connection, kap. no boxes here today.
10:54 am
don't know
10:54 am
don't know
10:55 am
Kaplan the Magne
Why am I in an echo chamber?
10:55 am
su 6/24, pls
10:55 am
because when you have connectivity issues sometimes your post repeats, and then ruru has to joke about it
10:55 am
would you like ice cream with toppings, bichon?
10:56 am
hokie carla
banana split and the like, bichon
10:56 am
hokie carla
well, you asked 3x, so ru answered 3x
10:56 am
Kaplan the Magne
Oh, I get it.
Oh, I get it.
Oh, I get it.
10:56 am
yes please!
10:56 am
Kaplan the Magne
Oh, I get it.
10:59 am
Kaplan the Magne
Would the plural of museum be musea?
10:59 am
hokie carla
it should
11:00 am
hokie carla
stuck at 23 left. going to the list.
11:00 am
well, 2.5 out of my last 7 turned out to be fishy.
11:01 am
13 here and 6 are 4's
11:01 am
hurray for ichthyology
11:01 am
Kaplan the Magne
I wrote to Dr God about changing ethnic slurs- not from being in the dictionary, but for counting for points. I figured since he is a doctor and is also God he can do anything he can bill for.
11:01 am
Kaplan the Magne
I wrote to Dr God about changing ethnic slurs- not from being in the dictionary, but for counting for points. I figured since he is a doctor and is also God he can do anything he can bill for.
11:01 am
hokie carla
just noticed I have 7 4's left. maybe I will try to find those first.
11:02 am
I think he takes Doctor and God somewhat loosely kap
11:02 am
hokie carla
yeah, good luck
11:03 am
Kaplan the Magne
More than Marcus Welby?
11:03 am
not a dagos by with him not worrying about it
11:03 am
rilla is such a good purrer
11:04 am
Kaplan the Magne
Ruru- a barroom joke. I was going out with a vegan but I was nervous because I never met herbivore.
11:04 am
i'm using that joke on Thursday kaplan
11:04 am
Kaplan the Magne
Life is a game of chess.
11:05 am
Kaplan the Magne
I don't know how to play chess.
11:05 am
chess is easy and fun
11:05 am
Kaplan the Magne
Do you know the one about the frog Kermit the Jagger?
11:07 am
un7 clue pls/
11:07 am
not cognizant of something....
11:07 am
many people are apparently still un7 that you can pass on COVID even if you have no symptoms
11:07 am
hi hurshy ty
11:08 am
but hurshy, is telling everyone how good at purring Rilla is not demotivate the others to try their best too?
11:09 am
i think it just depends on your purrsonality... some like to rise to a challenge
11:09 am
Kaplan the Magne
A frog goes into a bank requesting a loan of $30,000. The teller's name plate said Patricia Whack. "My father is Mick Jagger. And if you have doubts I would like to offer this as collateral. He gave her a small pink glass elephant. Miss Whack was uncertain this being her first day on the job, so she excused herself to confer with the bank manager. "This frog named Karmit Jagger came in, asking for a loan and brought this as collateral. What IS it? And the manager said...
11:10 am
as 5 clue please.. for nbt
11:10 am
Kaplan the Magne
"It's a knickknack Miss Patty Whack- give the frog a loan. His old man''s a Rolling Stone.
11:10 am
A nick nack Patty Whachk
11:11 am
oh i HAVE heard that one
11:11 am
lol kaplan
11:11 am
I actually knew someone named Patty Wack in high school. Her parents obviously thought that would be funny. Patty was not amused.
11:12 am
everyone should have called her Patricia
11:12 am
i knew a gal who knew a gal named Charity, who married a man with the last name Case, and she took his name - said she thought only kids made fun of people's names
11:12 am
i knew a Crystal Ball.... ;o)
11:13 am
hokie carla
I knew a Cole Cox
11:13 am
I knew a Chris Cross
11:13 am
i went to high school with a Crystal Lear.. her parent's gave her a middle name of Shanda
11:14 am
her parent's also smoked a lot of pot
11:15 am
parents that is
11:16 am
oh you mean they are not just your average parents?
11:16 am
hokie carla
three s's left after the list :(
11:16 am
i don't know what average parents are mlf..
11:16 am
hokie carla
he means they're not possessive but plural ;D
11:17 am
ruru well how about non drug users lol
11:17 am
my fingers automatically put in a ' without warning
11:17 am
how poltergeistical of them
11:17 am
i'd rather have drug users than alcoholics mlf
11:18 am
why ruru?
11:18 am
hokie carla
okay, 2 left now, a 6/7. and I know the first 4 letters, surely this will be easy
11:18 am
i had a parent who was an alcoholic?
11:18 am
well maybe not meth, crack or heroin .. i should clarify
11:18 am
hokie what are the stats?
11:18 am
hokie carla
whew, it was easy!
11:19 am
hokie carla
sa6/24, 7/36
11:19 am
their is a girl who worked in a restaurant here named Heaven Lee
11:21 am
an 5/12, pls
11:21 am
I guess you'd ask the maitre D "well... take me to Heaven"
11:21 am
Whilst on the topic of outrageous names, I once was friends with a drag queen who went by the name Vaginal Jackson.
11:22 am
Is this like a game? Kaplan keeps posting about how she wrote to Dr. God about the word she finds offensive, and people keep telling her that Dr. God has no control over what is in the Enable Word List?
11:22 am
if your marriage wasn't consummated you may be able to an5/12 it
11:22 am
drag queen names are the best
11:22 am
when I worked at Childrens HOspital many years ago. there was a patient named Olive Pitts
11:23 am
bichon i keep finding 5/10 words
11:23 am
peri lol
11:23 am
I once worked with someone named Phat Dong. Hard to keep a straight face around that.
11:23 am
indeed ori
11:23 am
hokie carla
I think she said she wants him to not give points for the words, not remove them from the enable list. but I'm not a computer person but I don't think that would be very easy to do.
11:24 am
bichon and i both need the an 5/12?
11:25 am
we have a restaurant in SF called Phuk It Thai
11:25 am
or Phuk et Thai. one or the other can't remember
11:25 am
hokie carla
end a marriage the catholic way, mlfan. hurshy clued it but it must've gotten lost in the shuffle.
11:25 am
There is a Phat Phuc Noodle Bar in London
11:25 am
i have seen names like that ruru on different webpages
11:26 am
ty carla, fw
11:26 am
wd bichon
11:26 am
ty both got it as well
11:26 am
anyone remember the Law & Order episode where this woman killed someone (i forget if it was her ex or the priest or what) because her husband got their like 20-year marriage an5ed so he could remarry in church, and this would retroactively make their kids illegitimate, and she was so enraged
11:27 am
No, Dr. God cannot rearrange the parameters of this game to not give points for one word that someone finds offensive.
11:27 am
Kaplan the Magne
I only wrote to Dr God about removing points from ethnic slurs- . I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask.
11:28 am
he doesn't care kaplan....
11:28 am
int the list automated from somewhere?
11:28 am
he doesn't make money on this game....
11:29 am
hokie carla
I just think that would involve a lot of coding that I don't think he'd be willing to do (he hasn't even changed it to pull from an updated enable list)
11:30 am
my point exactly homie
11:30 am
isn't sorry
11:30 am
There is no updated Enable Word List. It hasn't been updated since 2000
11:32 am
hokie carla
pretty sure moo said it had been updated a couple of times but this just pulls from the original
11:32 am
hurshy... I thought an******* was based on no sexual congress or maybe no issue (children) from said congress.
11:33 am
yeah i honestly do not know how anyone could justify granting it in that case, but, then again, it is just a show, lol. maybe there was a bribe involved?
11:34 am
no not the enable list the list of words we have to find
11:35 am
Kaplan the Magne
noun: dago; plural noun: dagoes; plural noun: dagos
an Italian, Spanish, or Portuguese-speaking person.
mid 19th century: from the Spanish given name Diego (equivalent to James ).
11:36 am
hokie carla
the wikipedia entry on an5ment explains how they deal with children born, etc
11:36 am
Kaplan the Magne
Learn to pronounce
noun: Jew; plural noun: Jews
a member of the people and cultural community whose traditional religion is Judaism and who trace their origins through the ancient Hebrew people of Israel to Abraham.
bargain with someone in a miserly or petty way.
11:39 am
all i know for sure is that the pope won't grant one if your reasoning is, "i used to believe my wife that she never consummated her marriage to my older brother, but now that she's hit menopause without giving me a son, i'm pretty sure she was lying and i feel just sick about it"
11:40 am
If you do a search on the Enable word list, you will find that it has not been updated since 2000. Moolingwa was incorrect when he posted it had and he said so later in the chat that day.
11:42 am
There are words that I find offensive, but they ARE words. Who decides what should be removed? That just feels like censorship to me. Maybe we could have a book burning later.
11:43 am
I agree origami. They are words that have definitions. This is a word game.
11:45 am
hokie carla
yeah, looks like it came out in 1997 and was updated in 2000 and that was it
11:46 am
my tudor humor always falls flat
11:47 am
it was fab smurshy
11:47 am
hi all, just logged in to continue. Earlier I found "adware" but .. no good.
11:50 am
hokie carla
Kaplan, I'm not trying to start trouble but simply curious: what was your goal in posting the definitions below? showing us those words are offensive? hoping dr. god reads the chat? I think all of us here already know they are offensive and don't need to see the dictionary definition. Again, I was just curious what you hoped to accomplish with that.
11:52 am
I was wondering that too. And why this keeps going on and on when we had a whole day of it not long ago. Point made. Several times.
11:53 am
well its obviously still offensive ....
11:57 am
Kaplan the Magne
No one said remove. But to educate ourselves as to the history of the terms we think are normal.What I hope to accomplish is more people being aware of the meaning of the words we use, and not use them . I raise it again because words hurt people, and groups of people, contribute to hatred and so forth. I know we already discussed it a few days ago and I'm sorry it makes you uncomfortable to hear it again, but I decided to speak up to Dr God about it. I play words with friends and these words don't come up. I don't feel that this is a safe space for mecome to as a word game.
11:59 am
have i told you how rilla is so brilliant, she invented the game of fetch all by herself
11:59 am
be more broad minded
12:00 pm
I'm honestly not sure how words that we all know are offensive and why create an unsafe space. There are words I hate that are on here but I objectify them as words.
12:02 pm
there are lots of words I never use that pop up in the grids, but I am just playing a word game and move by them. I make it a point to never use deragotory words in my life so this game doesn't bother me in that regard
12:02 pm
all is pure to the pure
12:03 pm
what does that mean?
12:03 pm
why are you so pedantic
12:03 pm
and it hurts to see someone say babble isn't a safe space when its where we've all come to year after year with our sorrows and joys
12:04 pm
hokie carla
not safe because you feel people are attacking you or just seeing the word in the grid makes you feel unsafe? as I said before, words are going to come up in the grid randomly and you'll see them whether you want to or not, just like if you were playing boggle in real life and shook the cubes up.
12:07 pm
i think the key thing is that the fact that these words count doesn't mean anyone is endorsing them as great words to use.
12:09 pm
I agree Hursh. And (for the most part) people here are very intelligent and word savvy and are already aware of what words mean and whether or not they are offensive.
12:20 pm
babble is a great platform and challenge for intellect that is all....I am always learning.....never completed a grid but still attempt nonetheless ..
12:21 pm
long live babble and babblers everywhere
12:22 pm
language necessarily captures all manner of terrible things, rape, murder, war, profanities and slurs. stripping the dictionary of shocking concepts for the sake of safe space in the game would be rather a large piece of work and one that would require a great deal of deliberation. there are all manner of offensive things to strike from the score card, doesn't mean they won't show up in the grid through.
12:24 pm
Kaplan the Magne
It's not the word appearing; that's random, it's having it defended by someone as complementary of a Jewish talent for handling money. That's what surprised me. Hokie, my name is going to Coe up at some point. Having to explain twice in a week that this word is anti-Semitic, while making it QUITE clear that I knew its presence was random---I thought about it for a couple of days because I am involved in some diversity and inclusion work in my organization, and am more inclined to call things out. When someone said jewing down showed respect for a skill with money, I thought why should I say nothing?
12:30 pm
good on ya kap
12:31 pm
well then be annoyed with that person, by all means! but if the word doesn't give points, you'll just have people saying "why doesn't this count? it's a complimentary blah blah blah..." the word counting or not can't prevent people from being sadly misinformed on its connotation
12:32 pm
if someone is actively using or defending a slur, by all means call it out. I haven't seen it but I'm not on here 24/7 and apart from the occasional troll, I've never seen people act destructively. This has been a safe, relatively adult space for the last decade or so that I've been playing daily. We all know that the profanities are profane and the slurs are slurs. If anyone *is* using ethnic stereotypes, point them out and I'll join you in calling them out.
12:33 pm
hokie carla
I remember that discussion and agree with you educating people. I was more asking why/how you were posting the definitions here today. That person isn't here and no one was saying anything today.
12:33 pm
Kaplan the Magne
No one sad to strip the dictionary or throw out Huck Finn. There are vulgarities all over the place. All I hoped for was that people might think oh, here is a word that is part of a long antisemitic trope.
12:35 pm
and I think 99.9% of people here do
12:35 pm
I'm late to the party, but how did this even come up today - unless I'm blind to letters, I don't see that word (which I fully admit is offensive, though would not like to see Babble decide what Enable words should 'count'). So how did this come up - I don't see what started this even in the chat log?
12:36 pm
Personally, I just don't enter words that I find offensive. I seldom finish a grid anyway, so that doesn't bother me. And I also agree that when someone in the first discussion tried to defend the word as complimentary, that calling them out was appropriate.
12:36 pm
Kaplan the Magne
don't know why I am posting it today honestly. I didn't know Enable was such an immovable thing. This is interesting from last fall.https://whyy.org/articles/trenton\n-mayor-says-council-members-quietly-ap\nologized-for-anti-semitic-remark/
12:36 pm
But, point made well. We can move on now, I hope.
12:37 pm
kaplan, if i heard someone saying it was complimentary, i'd tell them they were incorrect, so yes, i think we have broad agreement that it is an offensive slur. it's just what to do about it counting in babble that we differ on.
12:38 pm
part of being a safe and supportive community is hearing people out when they are hurt.
12:39 pm
that isn't necessarily confined to the 5 minutes around an event
12:39 pm
Kaplan the Magne
I had no real reason for bringing it up today. There is nothing en the grid today unless you hate emus. Only brought it up because I had emailed Dr God. I like jans strategy of not entering words that are problematic. Like Jan, I don't have a need for fireworks. Is Dr God a real person?
12:39 pm
yes, doc's a real person
12:41 pm
The word is defined (incorrectly) in certain places as "successful at bargaining". One person, only one, made the comment about it being complimentary. The consensus was that it was derogatory.
12:41 pm
I get that Dr God doesn't care to spend much time on these games, but I am confused about what his business model is with them. Frankly, I wouldn't object if I had to watch an ad when I logged in.
12:41 pm
Kaplan the Magne
Yes, I guess that's true LeslieAnn. The word came up twice in a week--I don't think the bog tiles get shaken out very well--and I'm getting like "is it there again?" hen I see a grid with a je in it.
12:41 pm
Kaplan the Magne
Yes, I guess that's true LeslieAnn. The word came up twice in a week--I don't think the bog tiles get shaken out very well--and I'm getting like "is it there again?" hen I see a grid with a je in it.
12:41 pm
Kaplan the Magne
Yes, I guess that's true LeslieAnn. The word came up twice in a week--I don't think the bog tiles get shaken out very well--and I'm getting like "is it there again?" hen I see a grid with a je in it.
12:41 pm
Kaplan the Magne
Yes, I guess that's true LeslieAnn. The word came up twice in a week--I don't think the bog tiles get shaken out very well--and I'm getting like "is it there again?" hen I see a grid with a je in it.
12:41 pm
Kaplan the Magne
Yes, I guess that's true LeslieAnn. The word came up twice in a week--I don't think the bog tiles get shaken out very well--and I'm getting like "is it there again?" hen I see a grid with a je in it.
12:41 pm
Kaplan the Magne
Yes, I guess that's true LeslieAnn. The word came up twice in a week--I don't think the bog tiles get shaken out very well--and I'm getting like "is it there again?" hen I see a grid with a je in it.
12:42 pm
And I don't see how this is "hearing Kaplan out because she is hurt" especially when she said that she and her husband use the word in a joking manner.
12:43 pm
There are a number of taboo and offensive words that come up in the grid and count - both vulgar (i.e. the C word and the F word) and slurs (the N word and the J word to which you refer). Then there are words that *some* people find offensive and others don't. I suppose the question would be (if Dr God weren't doing this for free and using an algorithm, rather than setting up each day's grid himself) is who gets to decide which words should and shouldn't 'count'?
12:43 pm
that O is stumping me - i have oa4 and os4 what am I missing?
12:44 pm
Kaplan the Magne
It's not a problem today, but when it comes up again, I won't score points , I'll email Dr God. And Molly, someone did explain the ruction of an oppressed group owning and defusing an offensive word as a way of coping...naming the unnamable. You might have missed that point.
12:45 pm
I have a word game on my Kindle Keyboard (don't judge me!) that blocks offensive words. Though it disallows turd, which I hardly think most people would object to. Still, kids play this game, which puts a different face on it.
12:46 pm
Kaplan, I totally get your point, but what if Dr God won't? What then? On another note, I suspect Dr God (who, I think, only keeps half an eye here anyway) probably has Babble emails go into a folder to be checked once in a while anyway
12:46 pm
I do kind of see a point in Kaplan's posting Enable doesn't allow the N word, why don't they update it to eliminate a few more
12:47 pm
it DOES allow the N word
12:47 pm
Oh - does enable forbid that word? I didn't know! Is that an Enable thing, rather than a Babble thing?
12:47 pm
no it doesn't
12:47 pm
it does not allow negro, but i'm assuming that it is for some linguistic reason rather than offensiveness, since it does allow ni6.
12:47 pm
Kaplan the Magne
santa is a word but you won't get points for it.
12:47 pm
or at least i'd be surprised it if does
12:47 pm
i just realized i have no idea what "the enable dictionary" is
12:47 pm
Because it's capitalised, I think
12:48 pm
you can tell because negro says "not found in the dictionary" but ni6 says "not in the puzzle"
12:48 pm
you are right hurshy.. delete my comment then
12:48 pm
Kaplan the Magne
It allows ni but not Ne???
12:48 pm
enable is the source word list for Babble - it's not really a dictionary per se
12:48 pm
yep. like i said, i'm sure it is for linguistic reasons
12:49 pm
it was, at the time Babble was created, considered the most comprehensive such list that didn't require a licensing fee
12:49 pm
ok that makes sense why it's not showing up in a search
12:49 pm
There are some odd omissions in Enable. Like roma, which is a variety of tomato. Not a proper noun, never capitalized in that context, but not in Enable for some reason.
12:50 pm
there are tons of cooking/foodie words that aren't in it
12:50 pm
searching for "enable word list" gets you more info than "enable dictionary"
12:51 pm
And some odd choices--miso and nori are in, but not udon or soba.
12:51 pm
Edam, a perfectly good cheese, not in Enable
12:51 pm
and banting isn't in, which used to be a british expression for dieting/trying to lose weight
12:51 pm
scrabble's official word list is updated every so often, but Dr. God would have had to license it in order to use it here. Enable's word list isn't updated, as far as I know
12:52 pm
tech is the omission that probably bugs me the most
12:52 pm
jan... actually, Roma is a proper noun, hence its absence from Enable.
12:52 pm
Heck, tech isn't in, which in the high tech internet, is kind of funny.
12:52 pm
jinx jan!
12:52 pm
Kaplan the Magne
It wasn't always capitalized. Yesterday We did a reading of Frederick Douglass' oratory about what 4th of July means to someone who has been a slave. There were 6 people there, properly distanced and masked. One of us is dying. It was a subdued but powerful day. I recommend reading that speech.
12:53 pm
great speech, indeed
12:53 pm
time to head out for the day.. have a great Sunday everyone
12:54 pm
have a good day ru
12:54 pm
Roma can be a proper noun, or a common noun. Like lima, which is a proper noun for the city in Peru, but a common name attached to a bean. And lima is in Enable.
12:54 pm
cheers ruru
12:55 pm
found a tall, flightless bird
12:59 pm
and a sometimes golden ungulate
12:59 pm
ooh, and a beautiful long necked bird
1:00 pm
ungulate is such an unguly word
1:00 pm
yes, but it's only got one definition....
1:01 pm
my cat ungulated some of her breakfast this morning
1:01 pm
wait no that's not it
1:05 pm
i noticed something in re-reading harry potter
1:05 pm
hagrid goes and gets harry from that little island where the dursleys were trying to avoid the owls/letters
1:06 pm
and then he and harry take the boat that the dursleys used to get there because hagrid says he's not supposed to use any more magic once he's got harry
1:07 pm
so how did the dursleys get off the island? harry went back to their house at the end of the day, and while there is no direct mention that they're already back, they are definitely there for some time before he leaves again to go to hogwarts, and one would think harry would have had difficulties if they were not there when he arrived, of which there is no mention.
1:08 pm
Kaplan the Magne
Red boxes
1:09 pm
hokie carla
I remember reading that to my son and him being really scared right at that scene so I basically stopped. I don't know how old he was then. anyhoo, we have now read the entire series multiple times.
1:13 pm
plus there's no scene of dursley rage at the boat having been taken and subsequent difficulties returning to the mainland
1:13 pm
Careful now kids. You are going to offend the Evangelical Christians who are anti-Harry Potter. *wink*
1:14 pm
now that we've moved on a bit, anybody want to help me with the O?
1:14 pm
hokie carla
I really never understood that. HP is a story of right & wrong, love & hate.
1:15 pm
Kaplan the Magne
Let's not be snarky
1:15 pm
hokie carla
think of donny & marie but spelled differently
1:15 pm
I have the rowing apparatuses and the anagram of those
1:15 pm
oa4, os4, os6 like donny and marie, then pl, then also change the last letter for the second 7
1:15 pm
thanks carla & hurshy!
1:16 pm
hokie carla
but there really are groups against HP simply because it is about magic, or witchcraft & wizardry ,which overlooks the real message of the stories.
1:19 pm
yeah, yeah, we know
1:19 pm
Kaplan the Magne
there are groups against vaccines too, but let's see how that goes when the Covid vaccine is rolled out say, a year from now.
1:20 pm
Kaplan the Magne
Is anyone living in a place that you think is opening up too quickly?
1:20 pm
Yes, Kap - the U.S.!
1:21 pm
Right on, Pastor!
1:22 pm
Hey, Christini! How are ya!
1:22 pm
Yes, I live in Hamilton Montana. Literally every home on the market has been purchased, sometimes sight unseen, by out of staters.
1:23 pm
so they can go somewhere less populated?
1:23 pm
there are so few places where new cases are down below 7 a week per 100k residents. Some rural counties are doing ok, but they are also the ones most dependent on faraway hospital resources if they get hit
1:24 pm
Lazy Sunday, Pastor. Waiting for a landscaper to show up for some estimates. He apparently is waiting for the heat of the day.
1:24 pm
That's exactly what I would do - wait for it to get up to at least 98!
1:25 pm
Kaplan the Magne
in the shade
1:26 pm
yes, Hursh. Sometimes the homes are going for more than the asking price, which might cause problems when they want to sell (after the first winter....)
1:27 pm
well, i mean, they're probably rich if they're doing that in the first place
1:27 pm
could I get stats for either of the lone A's please?
1:27 pm
as5/10, ar6/18
1:29 pm
That's sort of the problem. They are viewing it as a second, or third home. Some are not terribly interested in really participating in the community. On the other hand, often they fix up the homes and then the whole neighborhood benefits!
1:30 pm
but i mean, they can perhaps take a loss if/when they want to sell
1:31 pm
yah, or they let it sit vacant for years on end. It goes either way.
1:33 pm
We have a nice mix of "classes" in our small town. The ultra-rich aren't particularly stuffy and the ultra-poor arent
1:34 pm
oops, the ultra-poor aren't living in huge slummy neighborhoods.
1:37 pm
Are there any ew words?
1:38 pm
no harpjane
1:41 pm
all e words are normal
1:47 pm
Hi Babble friends. Normality gradually returning here. But that damned virus is still with us & there are huge fears about a second wave. Wishing all my Babble friends good health.
1:47 pm
firewords! thanks hurshy and Molly and lickety and all cluers - I was un7 of how close I was to done until I found the un7 :-)
1:48 pm
Well done Dan.
1:56 pm
blessings soodle. we're still stuck in denial here in the States.
1:58 pm
I think a lot of States are doing a great job. I know mine is.
2:02 pm
cases increasing here, but hospitals are only slightly up.
2:04 pm
6500 new cases in California yesterday.
2:05 pm
the retirement place where my mother-in-law lives, will let me see her in a couple of weeks. I am going to perform there, but not allowed in her apartment.
2:06 pm
I'm wondering if the "new cases" numbers are skewed because testing is more available now than it was months ago.
2:06 pm
I am going to have to cut my fingernails, they are making noise on the piano keys.
2:15 pm
not entirely, look at hospital admittances after a couple weeks of increase numbers.
2:17 pm
also number of deaths. but that number is not increasing as fast because they are starting to find some treatments for the very ill.
2:17 pm
a really good map with county-level data, normalized to new cases per 100,000 residents (7 day rolling averages) is here: https://tinyurl.com/y6vaf2p7
2:17 pm
Seriously? More testing means more cases???? So. If you don’t do a pregnancy test, you’re not pregnant? How skewed is that?
2:18 pm
I learned a lot about my area from it - a good apples-to-apples comparison, though it doesn't really explain much about hospital capacity, which is the big fear here
2:20 pm
I think the death rate is also not increasing as much because, those of us who are old(me) or other condition are staying home.
2:23 pm
One hundred and thirty two thousand people (132,000) have died in the United States. Thats 132,000 bereaved families.
2:47 pm
Dan- thanks for the link. Very informative
2:50 pm
Kaplan the Magne
I hardly go out
2:51 pm
Kaplan the Magne
since I was sick. Afraid of things opening up too soon. HOWEVER my hair salon seemed more clinical than the local pharmacies and grocery stores.
2:53 pm
Kaplan the Magne
and the gym, OMG, they are opening tomorrow with taped out workout spaces, no use of lorckerrooms, no showers, no hanging out after class and talking with people--the whole reason to go to the gym, right? - so the cleaning crew can disinfect before the next set of people.
2:53 pm
Kaplan the Magne
and the gym, OMG, they are opening tomorrow with taped out workout spaces, no use of lorckerrooms, no showers, no hanging out after class and talking with people--the whole reason to go to the gym, right? - so the cleaning crew can disinfect before the next set of people.
2:53 pm
Kaplan the Magne
and the gym, OMG, they are opening tomorrow with taped out workout spaces, no use of lorckerrooms, no showers, no hanging out after class and talking with people--the whole reason to go to the gym, right? - so the cleaning crew can disinfect before the next set of people.
2:53 pm
Kaplan the Magne
sorry for the echochamber
2:54 pm
in Kansas the numbers are small, so any increase puts us with the red states
2:56 pm
Kaplan the Magne
Massachusetts has been cautious, but in some areas, people violate the basics
4:02 pm
Just to clarify, I did not mean that more testing means more cases. The fact that testing is now available, when previously it was not, could make the number of cases now seem higher. And all I said is "I'm wondering". I'm not a statistician, or the CDC or any kind of COVID expert.
4:43 pm
Marc Freeman
What are the stats for the lone 'e' at the top of column 3, please?
4:43 pm
Molly, you're absolutely right that increased testing does reveal cases that earlier would not have been counted. The thing to keep an eye on carefully is hospital admissions--those are positive cases that are so sick that they have to be admitted to hospital. And those are increasing, unfortunately, which suggests that all of the increase in positive tests cannot be just due to increased testing.
4:44 pm
em 4 Marc
4:45 pm
Testing is key, though, to stopping the transmission of the disease, because people who are not so sick or even asymptomatic can still spread the disease. A positive test hopefully will result in them self-quarantining.
4:45 pm
Marc Freeman
5:07 pm
Yes Jan, And my comment was not about the increase of of positive numbers being due to the increase in testing. It was about how statistics can be skewed if all the pertinent data is not factored in. Like population. You have to take into account the population of an area to understand the statistics of it's COVID cases or containment.
5:11 pm
that was a pregnant pause sort of ... UGh
5:19 pm
Hey, a box of wine a day keeps the common sense away
: D
5:21 pm
Gosh that makes me glad I don't sell boxed wine .. .ugh
5:24 pm
What? No cheap thrills for you, @rururocks? Ugh
5:26 pm
as 5 please
5:27 pm
no MollyL only the best stuff for me ..
5:41 pm
I gave ru nightmares when I told him we take box wine on camping trips.
5:42 pm
you did.. and now i have to get you better wine to compensate
5:43 pm
It's particularly vile when camping in the desert and the wine gets hot :D
5:45 pm
*excuse me while i puke*
5:50 pm
i'd go with water at that point
5:51 pm
Wee do haul water in with us, but it degrees of potability.
5:51 pm
*has degrees
5:52 pm
Could I have the stats for the 8 please
5:54 pm
we 8/65
5:57 pm
Thanks. Just managed to monkey that!!
5:59 pm
Is the we8 a compound word?
6:00 pm
it's a plural if that helps
6:00 pm
tks ru, I'll keep looking!
6:00 pm
i found that word to be a bit of a beach personally
6:01 pm
ty for the clue.
6:02 pm
30 to go here.
6:03 pm
New word for me!
6:03 pm
what about stats for the top row 'a', please and thanks?
6:04 pm
thanks - and sorry - i have the stats but need a clue!
6:04 pm
add miss karenina, leaving off one of the double consonants.
6:05 pm
It's like a mudra, pastor
6:06 pm
ah, ty both of ya!
6:07 pm
27. listing.
6:16 pm
have a good day all
6:16 pm
That was fast, Harry
6:19 pm
Hey Ru are you in San Francusco?
6:19 pm
...oops Francisco
6:21 pm
Oops, you're not online, sorry I should have checked first
6:23 pm
i am north of sf.. in Napa
6:23 pm
how are you
6:26 pm
Un7 please
6:27 pm
not knowing your surroundings une
6:27 pm
not cognizant of something....
6:28 pm
6:33 pm
i am done....
6:34 pm
6:50 pm
rewan to you to katie
6:51 pm
rewas is the next guess?
6:56 pm
That was a great Nadal interview on 60 Minutes!
8:15 pm
clue for the sa7 please
8:28 pm
it's a plural of the sa. stuff found at the beach + short hello
8:30 pm
Thank you. Never would have gotten that one.
9:19 pm
Back to try to find m last 7 words.
9:49 pm
yo ori. how are you dear?
9:50 pm
and she's gone. obviously found the lost words... loll