12:04 am
found an amphibian
12:17 am
my missing r!
12:17 am
Clues are up
12:18 am
not seeing it
12:18 am
thanks Lickety
12:19 am
pt of ro6
12:19 am
nbt, nbs, thanks Rose
12:21 am
last letter in the 6 should be doubled for that
12:22 am
ty rose
12:22 am
yw both of you
12:30 am
crashing with 94 in the bank -- see you tomorrow :)
12:31 am
sweet dreams nan
5:50 am
Good morning. My 5th column is grey so my day's work is done.
5:50 am
Hi, Scrabbler!
5:51 am
Hi IG. I missed a lot of days here in the last week because my youngest sister was visiting.
6:04 am
I must leave for work soon. Enjoy the day.
6:45 am
hello all
6:46 am
7:11 am
interesting morning here. got up, drove to school, found out that whilst i was en route, a tree had fallen across the school driveway and apparently also the school's power had been knocked out, so, no school
7:29 am
thanks for le7 Gillie
7:30 am
that brings me to the end of first pass and only 2 left! G and R, both 5 letters
7:30 am
got the R!
7:40 am
That O in the second column is killing me - may I have stats for any word except the OG4, please?
7:42 am
there's or4,5 combo and or5,6 combo
7:43 am
all use the same first 3 letters
7:47 am
clue for the le7 please?
7:50 am
Ends in the red flower of love
7:51 am
thank you
7:57 am
Wow, you UK people are dealing with a powerful looking storm.
7:59 am
It id definitely windy, yes!
7:59 am
(looking for the Os, thank you!)
8:00 am
The photographs of the storm surge are incredible
8:03 am
Happily, thus far we personally have no damage - our back garden seems fairly well sheltered being mid-terrace and with new fences
8:03 am
Found the or4-5 combo, looking for the other two :)
8:04 am
Trees down and doors o gone all over the place
8:04 am
And found the other Os, thanks.
8:04 am
On our estate, some neighbours have fences down and I hear there are trees down in the village but so far, so good right here, right now (as in our house - we've not been out of the house!)
8:05 am
Look Up Word cete 4 5
Look Up Word cetes 5 12
Look Up Word deet 4 5
Look Up Word egos 4 6
Look Up Word emote 5 12
Look Up Word emoted 6 24
Look Up Word flop 4 8
Look Up Word flops 5 18
Look Up Word foes 4 7
Look Up Word fogs 4 9
Look Up Word forge 5 20
Look Up Word forget 6 33
Look Up Word form 4 8
Look Up Word forms 5 18
Look Up Word fort 4 7
Look Up Word forte 5 16
Look Up Word froe 4 7
Look Up Word froes 5 16
Look Up Word frog 4 9
Look Up Word frogs 5 20
Look Up Word from 4 8
Look Up Word geed 4 7
Look Up Word goes 4 6
Look Up Word grot 4 6
Look Up Word lest 4 4
Look Up Word lets 4 4
Look Up Word lope 4 5
Look Up Word lops 4 5
Look Up Word metro 5 12
Look Up Word metros 6 21
Look Up Word mors 4 5
Look Up Word morse 5 12
Look Up Word mort 4 5
Look Up Word mote 4 5
Look Up Word motes 5 12
Look Up Word motet 5 12
Look Up Word ogee 4 6
Look Up Word oles 4 4
Look Up Word opes 4 5
Look Up Word opts 4 5
Look Up Word orle 4 4
Look Up Word orles 5 10
Look Up Word pest 4 5
Look Up Word pets 4 5
Look Up Word poet 4 5
Look Up Word poets 5 12
Look Up Word pole 4 5
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Look Up Word proems 6 24
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Look Up Word prom 4 6
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Look Up Word pros 4 5
Look Up Word prose 5 12
Look Up Word quote 5 16
Look Up Word quotes 6 27
Look Up Word roes 4 4
Look Up Word roque 5 16
Look Up Word roques 6 27
Look Up Word rote 4 4
Look Up Word rotes 5 10
Look Up Word self 4 7
Look Up Word sept 4 5
Look Up Word smote 5 12
Look Up Word some 4 5
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Look Up Word toes 4 4
Look Up Word tome 4 5
Look Up Word tomes 5 12
Look Up Word toms 4 5
Look Up Word toque 5 16
Look Up Word toques 6 27
Look Up Word tors 4 4
Look Up Word twee 4 8
Look Up Word tweed 5 20
8:05 am
I'm near Windsor - you may have more elsewhere in the UK)
8:05 am
8:07 am
Sorry iPad gone mad - roof tiles flying around. Beech tree on neighbours car
8:08 am
JMC is off the hook now
8:10 am
shove the list
8:11 am
to the bottom
8:11 am
Great minds...
8:11 am
....think alike
8:11 am
8:12 am
8:12 am
fallen trees
8:12 am
really windy
8:12 am
for tootin', I assume
8:17 am
out of the chog
8:17 am
that ought to do it!
8:19 am
and I got the 8, woot
8:21 am
thank you mael!
8:28 am
spellit is not in the pb for a year and three months
8:38 am
eh, accidents happen
8:43 am
le 7/32, pls
8:45 am
le + not poetry, the other kind of writing....
8:54 am
there's a few kinds of writing in the grid
8:56 am
gotta go....bbl to find my last 8....bye all....
9:01 am
'morning, folks
9:07 am
phantom: protege
9:37 am
FW! have a good day everyone
9:41 am
Any clues for tghe 8 pleaser? Ty
9:42 am
builds off ro5/16
9:43 am
Dont have ro 5 16 yet. Looking.
9:46 am
Got them! Ty.
9:47 am
good morning everyone :)
9:49 am
question --- what happens when explorer disappears completely? Right now when I click on the profiles, they pop up on Explorer, even though I do have Edge installed and use it for everything else.
9:50 am
yeah? mine pop up on chrome
9:50 am
I am assuming that they'll just open in whatever browser you're using
9:51 am
do you have any other browsers installed on your computer? Are you using expert?
9:53 am
ro 5/16, pls
9:53 am
change first letter of the knitted winter cap
9:54 am
I use chrome
9:55 am
nan, knitted winter cap?
9:58 am
or a chef's hat
9:59 am
knitted hat with a pom pom on top is called the same thing
10:00 am
I doubt in the US, probably in Canada.
10:01 am
yes -- I didn't know that is what a chef's hat was called until I started playing this game! It was always the winter cap to me
10:02 am
A toque is just Canadian slang for a beanie, usually with a pom-pom on top. If you're heading to Canada, you'll want to make sure you pack a toque. Or, better yet, buy on there.
10:02 am
well, now everyone knows what the word is bichon.
10:03 am
and a beany is something entirely differnt -- a beanie isn't knitted, but made out of felt.
10:04 am
that's like saying a fedora is jus american slang for a man's hat
10:04 am
phantom grotesque
10:13 am
*!*~*!* Hagd everyone :)
10:24 am
A beanie is a knit cap or a multi-colored hat with a propeller on it. A beret is made of felt. When I say to5. I mean chef's hat, which is nothing like a knit cap with a pom-pom.
10:39 am
pr 7/36, pls
10:43 am
sorry, just got here, Bichon
10:44 am
To defend
10:44 am
wow, thanks
10:54 am
ROFL. No, I'm not rolling on the floor, nor am I laughing. But it is in the grid which at least makes me chuckle.
10:55 am
FYI your baby is adorable
11:38 am
YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!! I was given a new laptop at work yesterday, and it does not have babble blocked on it!!!!
11:38 am
11:40 am
Congrats, Trifioso! Don’t forget to breathe!
11:40 am
after two years!
12:07 pm
So happy for you, Trif! Back now after lunch, to hopefully finish up.
12:12 pm
i mean, not when Im up in front of a class, obviously, but being able to babble in quiet moments is a stress relieving miracle
12:12 pm
not to mention I am about to hop on a five hour train ride....
12:26 pm
Fireworks! Anyone need a clue?
12:38 pm
72 Temple Owl
12:52 pm
Could I have the stats for the lone e in the second column please?
12:56 pm
Thanks Molly, I missed that
1:01 pm
hi all de6 [pls
1:02 pm
... to find something ... Hercule Poirot was known for his skill at this
1:03 pm
So was Dick Tracy
1:03 pm
... ooh ... that's a name from the distant past
1:03 pm
ty for de6
1:03 pm
I figure not everyone reads Agatha Christie
1:04 pm
... do you wear an Apple wrist radio? ...
1:06 pm
not sure if you're still there nan, but you can set your computer to use one particular search engine, and the others will just stay there as apps, available if you want them.
1:07 pm
This is great..."the exclamation point is like the selfie of grammar"
1:09 pm
... ah well ... only the P and f to look at but must be off to the grocery store before the snow comes ... luck to all who continue the struggle
1:17 pm
Another good one...drama queen—a person who reacts to everyday events with excessive emotion and behaves in theatrical, attention-grabbing ways.
1:48 pm
is the le 7/32 obvious to everyone else?
1:49 pm
oh! just monkeyed it. :)
1:56 pm
I wouldn't call it an obvious or well known word
2:43 pm
hello from the train! Heading down to Philadelphia to visit my best girl
2:47 pm
Hi Trif! I am on my last 9.
2:48 pm
hello! I have 29 left - I should be looking out the windows more....
2:48 pm
hello! I have 29 left - I should be looking out the windows more....
2:51 pm
I kind of wish I was stuck at 29 instead of 9. At 29 I would list with no hesitation whatsoever, but at 9 I am banging my head at this thing trying to finish without the list.
3:04 pm
clue on the 8 letter...
3:11 pm
Starts like a fancy blue cheese, ends in past tense
3:18 pm
Interesting word.....
3:53 pm
need help with the or5,12 please
3:53 pm
ah, finally monkeyed it!
5:41 pm
Trif, have you heard from zoom? They have that humungous storm going on with 100 mph+ winds.
5:41 pm
hello, and no, I have not
5:41 pm
think of him very, very often. Have no contact with him outside of the game
5:42 pm
okay. I emailed a person with his name where he lives and hope I got the right person. If not, oh well, it will be a mystery as to who babbler ch1212 is.
5:43 pm
indeed! Well done you!
5:45 pm
this train is FREEZING, omg...
6:14 pm
Trif, would you mind emailing me? My address is in my profile. Want to ask a question privately. Thanks!
6:25 pm
72 Temple Owl
6:26 pm
72 Temple Owl
i keep missing her...
6:30 pm
72 Temple Owl
6:31 pm
Hi TO -- she was just on, and it sounded like she was on a train while babbling. Might be out of range now.
6:32 pm
72 Temple Owl
yes, i was on a train ealier and no heat because temps were high and falling.
6:32 pm
72 Temple Owl
how did you find an email for zooz? curious. have not seen him for a couple of days.
6:32 pm
6:33 pm
72 Temple Owl
yes i am chilled now. think i may use the space heater.
6:38 pm
I bought one recently for my study. Decided it was okay for me to be cozy and warm while I write. I also treated myself to some lovely scented candles. Sigh of relaxation **** ahhhh....
6:38 pm
hokie carla
hi peoples
6:39 pm
oh, regarding zozzoom, I have a talent for tracking down information. In any case, I'm pretty sure I emailed the wrong person. I hope he comes back on soon.
Hi hokie carla.
6:41 pm
72 Temple Owl
i have an oil radiator. i came come from a business trip once at one in the AM with no heat. thank goodness i had it!
6:41 pm
hokie carla
years ago one of my friends switched to gmail and I was emailing her initial and last name (which was the first part of her previous address. this guy in Italy wrote back "I'd love to join you ladies for lunch but I'm in Italy." 🤣
6:42 pm
72 Temple Owl
oh hell you should have fowln right over.
6:44 pm
LOL hokie, that's great!
6:44 pm
72 Temple Owl
so what happened on wight? have not heard.
6:44 pm
hokie carla
and one time I got mr. homie's email wrong and whatever it was was completely innocent but with no context looked like I was doing a drug deal or some other kind of criminal activity.
6:45 pm
hokie carla
and like 2 years ago I got some real estate related emails for someone else with my name and it had her and her husband's SSN's in it!
6:47 pm
TO, I'm just hoping to connect with him. He hasn't been on in several days.
6:48 pm
72 Temple Owl
good luck . he's a good egg.
6:48 pm
72 Temple Owl
i like to talk music with him.
6:48 pm
72 Temple Owl
good night
6:48 pm
how's it going?
6:48 pm
good night, to -- I'm right behind you. Bye all!
6:49 pm
hokie carla
good night you 2
6:49 pm
hokie carla
good here, how about you, joy? haven't seen you in a while.
6:49 pm
72 Temple Owl
i will be seeking my final 5. then off to read.
6:50 pm
hokie carla
14 left here still
6:50 pm
I haven't been around...I've had a rough few weeks. My dad passed away and I've been sad and busy and preoccupied, but I'm ok.
6:50 pm
72 Temple Owl
having come this far without a list or clues, i am trying to do this on my own. we'll see...
6:51 pm
hokie carla
oh, sorry to hear that. it is rough. my dad's birthday was last week and we've been in FL horse country and he loved horses. just little things like that pop up.
6:52 pm
I know...it's the little stuff that you want to share with them that make it so hard.
6:56 pm
According to what I read in chat recently, Zoom is no longer available via email. I hope he checks in soon since so many people are wondering about him.
6:57 pm
hokie carla
oh you're right, molly. I forgot he said he doesn't have email.
6:57 pm
hokie carla
he plays this on xbox and doesn't have a smart phone or computer and no email.
6:57 pm
It's difficult when someone posts distressing news here and then disappears.
6:58 pm
72 Temple Owl
oh no he has not done so again i hope
6:58 pm
I haven't been here since the night someone here sent the police to his house...anything new? Does he seem to be doing better, I hope?
6:59 pm
People just have to hope for the best.
7:03 pm
hokie carla
does anyone remember his real name? you can email me (in my profile) if you don't want to plaster in the chat.
7:04 pm
I think I do
7:07 pm
Better to not do that in the chat. Not cool to divulge people's personal details here.
7:08 pm
72 Temple Owl
yes, it's a dilemma.
7:11 pm
72 Temple Owl
good lord, i can't believe all the adds for legal gambling. is there a line on the olympics this year???!
7:13 pm
hokie carla
you can bet on everything I think
7:14 pm
72 Temple Owl
i think that's true. i need to decide whether i want to sit here mindluessly watching people sliding or get the list and finish and fo read
7:15 pm
hokie carla
lol, we have been camping the last 5 or 6 days in a place we could not get an NBC over the air channel, so I've missed all kinds of stuff. finally get NBC today and yes, I think the bobsled is boring.
7:15 pm
hokie carla
12 left here still. I should read too.
7:16 pm
72 Temple Owl
i think it's all bull. used to watch every minute.
7:17 pm
72 Temple Owl
saw a friend for the first time since pandemic today they sold their house and are moving to mexico.
7:17 pm
hokie carla
we like about half of the winter events and about half of the summer ones
7:17 pm
72 Temple Owl
everyone seems to be going south.
7:17 pm
hokie carla
oh wow! where in mexico?
7:17 pm
72 Temple Owl
7:17 pm
we've been debating moving to Mexico for years.
7:18 pm
72 Temple Owl
she has a daughter in CA
7:18 pm
72 Temple Owl
so they will be close
7:18 pm
hokie carla
it was 84 when we got to orlando today and that was actually too hot
7:18 pm
72 Temple Owl
you are traveling? no work?
7:18 pm
Baja is very hot
7:19 pm
72 Temple Owl
i saw a temp chart, looked quite moderate. sea breeze?
7:19 pm
72 Temple Owl
la mision
7:19 pm
hokie carla
we are traveling in FL for a month. we are basically both retired and now empty nesters.
7:19 pm
well, it depends on where...
7:20 pm
that sounds nice, carla
7:20 pm
72 Temple Owl
7:20 pm
I wouldn't move to Mexico if you paid me to do it. What an awful alternative.
7:20 pm
hokie carla
i've heard San Diego is like 72 year round, that's what I want.
7:20 pm
72 Temple Owl
i have been invited down to the west coast of fl.
7:20 pm
I love Mexico. I've lived there twice and enjoyed every minute of it.
7:20 pm
hokie carla
I'm with you, molly
7:20 pm
72 Temple Owl
yeah well good lick with that, unless you hit the lottery.
7:21 pm
hokie carla
yes, I've heard it's very expensive
7:21 pm
72 Temple Owl
there's a large colony os us citizens retired there. close to us if they need it
7:22 pm
72 Temple Owl
i heard you cannot buy or own land there. and now yo have to prove an income of $2500 per month to live there.
7:22 pm
72 Temple Owl
nice climate, but still on a fault
7:23 pm
hokie carla
I have only been to Cozumel and Cancun. They were both nice but I didn't like how Cancun had policia armed with machine guns standing on the corners.
7:23 pm
hokie carla
wasn't sure if it made me feel safer or less safe
7:23 pm
72 Temple Owl
once i was out in San Diego for work and took a drive one night and almost ended up in mexico... san ysidro is not nice at night
7:24 pm
72 Temple Owl
but hey, probably safer than philadelphia right now
7:24 pm
You can buy land, essentially, but it's legally complicated. You can live there for years on a tourist visa as long as you leave every six months, or you can get a permanent residence visa with a lot of paperwork and proving that you have an income of about $1200/month, because they don't want to provide social services for foreigners.
7:25 pm
hokie carla
where did you live, joy?
7:25 pm
72 Temple Owl
she said the income threshold was just raised
7:25 pm
There's a lot of crime in the touristy areas, so they send the cops with the machine guns. It's creepy. You don't see that outside the tourist cities.
7:25 pm
The last time we were in Oaxaca, which is where I would move to if I went back.
7:26 pm
72 Temple Owl
her husband got covid. and they are just sick of the rat race and being stuck indoors. they will be near the kids and can afford to just stop working
7:26 pm
72 Temple Owl
they could not do that in the US now
7:28 pm
Still not sounding like a fun or easy place to live.
7:28 pm
hokie carla
we went to another town on our cruise several years ago. can't remember what it was, but was much smaller and I don't rem. seeing machine gun cops then.
7:29 pm
72 Temple Owl
i was surprised.
7:30 pm
72 Temple Owl
i am still missing a four letter word...
7:31 pm
hokie carla
I still have one left as well.
7:31 pm
72 Temple Owl
and then sixes. they are the hardest to me
7:32 pm
hokie carla
I have 1-4-5-1
7:32 pm
hokie carla
and I've been through each open tile so much I have no idea what I'm not seeing
7:32 pm
72 Temple Owl
i don't know what that means.
7:32 pm
hokie carla
probably babble blindness right now
7:33 pm
hokie carla
1 4 letter, 4 5 letter, 5 6 letter, and 1 7 left
7:33 pm
I thought Oaxaca was an incredibly fun and easy place to live. I really miss it.
7:33 pm
72 Temple Owl
i think i need to take another break.
7:33 pm
hokie carla
it's just fun to say, right?
7:33 pm
72 Temple Owl
i just like saying oaxaca. so i would move there. :)
7:34 pm
72 Temple Owl
ah, battery saver mode. break time. later all.
7:34 pm
hokie carla
7:35 pm
My FIL could never figure out how to pronounce it no matter how many times we told him. He kept saying O WOK A...I mean WHOA CACA...
7:35 pm
hokie carla
or should I say hasta luego
7:35 pm
hokie carla
he sounds like mr. homie
7:52 pm
That's FW for me, which is good because it's time to cook dinner! See you all tomorrow, maybe.
7:58 pm
hokie carla
well done. 11 left for me still but I've been reading about the olympics I missed.
8:01 pm
72 Temple Owl
i can;t believe this- i am looking for words i already entered. either they disappeared, ordid ot really enter when i was on the train
8:17 pm
Good evening. I’m finding this to be a tricky grid tonight.
8:22 pm
hokie carla
argh, my missing 4 was one I already entered today, TO
8:22 pm
hokie carla
howdy, nef
8:24 pm
Hi carla. I feel like I’ve added words more than once on this grid.
8:25 pm
hokie carla
that usually doesn't happen to me in the smaller ones, but I was on wonky cell signal some, so I guess it was then.
8:27 pm
hokie carla
and oddly, my missing 2 o's say I've already entered them, but they are not in my word list and it still shows I need 2. I guess I need to do a refresh!
8:28 pm
Yep, refresh always helps
8:31 pm
hokie carla
and amazing how just looking at the list makes the words pop out. oh well, think I will read now. hasta mañana.
8:37 pm
stats for the 1st column E please
10:07 pm
Sorry, harp, I was watching the Olympics. Did you get the words yet?
10:17 pm
no but I'm watching a GREAT movie. I (heart) The Huckabees!
10:18 pm
hello all, newbie here. 14 left
10:20 pm
Stats for 1st column e are em 5/12 & em6/24.
10:21 pm
You’re doing well as a newbie, CowExploder
10:21 pm
how do you get the stats?
10:23 pm
If you look at the grid, each letter has a number under it. The 1st number in the stat is the # of letters, the 2nd number is the total points in the word.
10:25 pm
i don't see that, just the number i've gotten that begin with that letter and the total number that begin with that letter
10:26 pm
And I forgot how it’s calculated but the number of letters in a word also gives some points.
10:27 pm
oh wait, you mean the box at the right
10:29 pm
The lowest score a 4 letter word can get is 4; 5 letter words lowest score is 10, 6 letter words lowest is 18 (I think)
10:29 pm
10:30 pm
The actual yellow grid letters have the numbers
10:30 pm
11 left
10:32 pm
The tile stat grid ( below the game grid) is the # of words you’ve found out of how many words that start with that letter, the word stat box is how many words with that many letters.
10:33 pm
You can finish, , keep going!
10:44 pm
I need a break for a few minutes, bbs!
10:58 pm
I have 85 to go...
11:06 pm
61 to go
11:11 pm
Go, harp! You can do it!
11:19 pm
i think so
11:23 pm
11:23 pm
found some turkeys
11:24 pm
33 to go folding a bit of laundry now
11:26 pm
I have 20 togo; watching the Olympics too much instead of finding words.
11:47 pm
back to find my last 33, might not happen
11:50 pm
I hear you; I can't concentrate on this grid (watching the Olympic bobsled races now.
11:51 pm
(I can't believe all ov the plurals I've missed!
11:57 pm
morning all - next grid 182