12:36 am
A8: bristlelike part or appendage, such as the awn of grains and grasses or the process near the tip of the antenna of certain flies (adj)
Seems to be a tight grid, doesn't it? Apart from the 8 I have nothing above 6, and only 66 words so far.
12:37 am
Yeah I'm not quite on your level....I'm only at 30 and struggling. I think I have the 6. But thanks for the clue.
12:39 am
T8/40, last 5 letters are the same as the A8.
Pertaining to a territory made up of three adjoining nations.
12:43 am
Struggling here as well. And you know a grid is bad when 6s are listed ;)
So far: F27, R18, S18, T18
12:43 am
That "N" should have read: Not a single 7 so far.
1:24 am
Found the R8, thanks. Def: having a beaklike part.
1:35 am
M8/50 not a good beginning
1:48 am
S8/50: in Greek tragedy, a song of the chorus, continued without the interruption of dialogue or anap[ae]stics.
T7/28: Hindu or Buddhist religious literature written in Sanskrit and concerned with powerful ritual acts of body, speech, and mind (pl)
1:51 am
Stats won't hurt - it is not as tight as I thought.
8 x 5
7 x 4
6 x 18
5 x 49
4 x 76
--- 152 words ---
A -- 12
C -- 2
E -- 3
F -- 22
G -- 4
H -- 2
i -- 2
M -- 19
N -- 9
O -- 6
R -- 17
S -- 28
T -- 26
7:32 am
bess99--- good work yesterday! you beat mom!!!!
8:04 am
quran not a word? Well that'll surprise my old Webster's dictionary cause I"m lookin' at it right now.
8:38 pm
hints for the 7's and the m 36 please?
saw the def for t7 28. still don't have a clue. would appreciate clues if there's anyone out there. thanks
9:16 pm
m36 - to rate erroneously