2:12 am
'Zoomer' is a perfectly useful word...
2:14 am
Oh, four letter anagram, makes five words...love that one.
2:21 am
O 7/28
R 7/36 x2
S 7/44
3:27 am
You'd think by now 'coors' would have worked its way into the dictionary..
4:14 am
another s/7/44
5:57 am
ruth and 2Hott, thanks so much for your help yesterday. Good luck with today's game.
6:24 am
Must be a big one today, I have 90 words and have been playing just a little whille. Stats would be really great.
6:42 am
you are welcome periwinkle!!
8:40 am
anyone know how many words are on this cube? I have 59 but know there is probably more then that!
8:44 am
e 7/48 - e 8/65
9:13 am
I shouldn't play today, judging from the biggies found already this is a huge one. I'll do the stats and then try to refrain from playing...
9:19 am
Could be worse... and so the temptation to play is even bigger now :D
8 x 4
7 x 14
6 x 30
5 x 65
4 x 107
--- 220 words ---
A -- 9
C -- 17
E -- 12
H -- 19
M -- 33
N -- 1
O -- 22
P -- 23
R -- 28
S -- 22
T -- 32
Z -- 2
9:23 am
question sprite / how do u do the stats without playing?
and u did them in 6 minutes!!!
9:33 am
do u have a program that tells u all the words in the cube?
9:34 am
Practice :)
I put the grid into the online solver, hold a sheet of paper over the screen while copying the words, paste them into a word document with same color font as background.
Then I change the spaces into ; and put the result into my statmaker.
Presto! Not seen a single word and yet we have stats. :)
But I should not play today... have no time... but I confess I am an addict.
9:39 am
If you have the words in a .txt file, separated by ; , you can use the statmaker: http://bogglestats.spiritualfantasy.nl/
11:30 am
I woke up and thought to myself "should I play today, or get away from the computer?".. then found the n word.
So the eight ball has spoken, and I'm out today.
11:57 am
Wow, sprite. Thanks for all the hard work. I totally appreciate the stats. I write them down, and count off how many of each word I have. And it helps me focus on which letters to work harder on. The vowel words always stump me.
1:42 pm
May I please have clues for the c/8 and p/8.
2:06 pm
I have no 8 letter words :(
Taking a break, maybe when I come back there will be clues from some nice person.
2:07 pm
The c/8/60 builds on a c/4/6 you probably already have;
The p/8/60 is a word I didn't know but it sounds like a feeling of guilt felt before the fact...
3:00 pm
jan, I have two c/4/6, one means the heart of something and the other is a form of outerwear. Are either of these the right one? Can't figure out the p/8 with your clue but thanks anyway. :)
3:03 pm
jan, figured out your clue for the p/8. thanks so much. I never heard of that word either.
3:03 pm
anyone know what the other two 8 letter words start with?
3:05 pm
Just read the log. May I please have a clue for the T/8.
5:07 pm
I have to agree Mulhermujer, "zoomer" is an excellent word. The points would have been nice.
5:21 pm
nearly halfway; 107 words 1500 points.
still got one 8 letter word to go - finally got the c8 thanks to jan's clue.
5:23 pm
Still have not found the c/8 and still looking for a clue for the t/8 and the last 8 letter word please.
6:06 pm
ruth u on.... im having a go but im abit tipsy so u can imagine!!!!
6:53 pm
hi 2hott how many words have u got so far
6:55 pm
I've been looking for the c/8 and t/8 for quite a while. Would or could anybody give me and Periwinkle a clue?
It would be most appreciated.
6:57 pm
peri the c8 is a combi think of something u wear and where u might put it have u got a clue 4 the e8 please
7:00 pm
110 words but had too much brandy!!!
7:01 pm
Ruth, I'm so sorry, I just read your request yesterday for a clue on the N7 which I had just gotten, and right after that I logged off. Again, sorry.
7:02 pm
im on 155 going on wordfinder soon works going really slow tonight only another 8 hours to go u drunkard
7:04 pm
e/8 clue: an abusive word or phrase
7:04 pm
y thank u!!
7:08 pm
xena and periwinkle did that clue help mary no prob never did get that word
7:12 pm
I think I have the correct first part of the c but can't for the life of me find the 2nd part. I'm exceptionally slow tonight. duh
7:12 pm
Do you have a clue for the t/8?
7:14 pm
oh my I just got the c/8!!!!!!!
7:16 pm
the second part comes from the r for 6 bath.......
7:16 pm
2hott going into wordfinder be back soon
7:17 pm
I have to say I'm a little embarassed but happyI found it. Thanks
7:23 pm
a polymer consisting of four identical monomers is the clue for the t/8.
fiddled around with letters and accidentally found this word which means absolutely nothing to me. Had to go to dictionary,com to see what it meant.
7:49 pm
found a great T7/44 mentioned earlier
a plug for the muzzle of a gun
8:19 pm
Mary, are there 2 t/7 44's?
8:35 pm
xena, yes, there are 2 T7/44
other is a foot traveler, or someone who walks with a heavy gait
8:43 pm
thanks Mary, have the one you just mentioned not the other.